wiaw: breckenridge edition

Most of our meals in Breckenridge were pretty boring.  Cereal or pancakes for breakfast, PB+J sandwiches for lunch, and chips for snacks.  Not exactly the healthiest eating vacation either, but I wasn’t exactly in charge of the food and we were trying to please a bunch of high schoolers.  So, chips and Gatorade were the norm.

However, when we actually went down to Main Street in Breckenridge, we were able to taste some fantastic food.  We’ll go from least favorite to favorite, although, believe me, it was hard to choose a favorite of the food we had.  Also, notice that my favorites (and most of it) are sweets.  Yup, I definitely have a sweet tooth!

(You will see that I obviously was NOT snacking sensibly, as all of the things below – except for the 1st one – were snacks.  Eh, I was on vacation…)

Our last night in town was the only night we ate dinner out.  We go to Downstairs at Eric’s every year because they have something for everyone.  I’ve gotten the veggie burger before, but after climbing Quandary, I wanted needed pizza!  This veggie pizza was on a delicious garlic wheat crust and served with honey for dipping the crust into.  I was disappointed that I couldn’t eat my leftover since we left the next day!

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The first time Matt went to Breck (without me – long before we were married), he raved about the crepe cart.  It was seriously the only thing I knew he hate on the trip because he talked about it so much!  So, we couldn’t leave without getting a crepe.  We split the Blue Lagoon because it was intriguing – blueberries, Nutella, brown sugar, and Bailey’s Irish creme.  Interesting combination but it totally worked.

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We went into town every night to shop.  One evening, the girls brought back cookies with them to the house.  But, not just any cookies.  Cookie sandwiches that had cookie dough or frosting in the middle!  How could I possibly leave without having one of these?!  So, the day Kenna + I were on our own, we made a pit stop into Mary’s Mountain Cookies and ended up coming home with 2 cookie sandwiches + a Snickerdoodle for Matt.  One was a chocolate chip cookie sandwich with chocolate chip cookie dough in the middle, the other was a peanut butter M&M cookie sandwich with peanut butter frosting in the middle.  Heaven help me… I need to figure out how to make these at home!  (Oh no, I just looked up their website – they SHIP!  This is not good information for me to know, but that means YOU can try them if they sound good to you!)



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And of course, my favorite just so happened to be the ice cream!  The first time I went to Breck I discovered this little gem, Freshies Cafe.  They serve Boulder Ice Cream – some of the best ice cream I’ve ever had in my life and some of the most unique flavors as well.  And they use all natural ingredients to boot.  (Come on Missouri, why can’t you be as health conscious as the people in Colorado?)  While Matt went for the amazing Coconut Crunch (coconut ice cream with toffee pieces… yum!), I went for the Birthday Cake ice cream, which was pretty much all frosting.  Perfect!



Well, Breckenridge, you treated me well.  I miss your gorgeous views and 70 degree weather.  I can’t wait to be back again next year!