behind the scenes blog tour
**Thank you all so much for entering the For Two Fitness giveaway last week! It was probably one of my favorite giveaways I've ever done and I was amazed to see all the entries! I wish all of you soon-to-be mamas could have won, but alas, I could only pick one. Nataly Carbonelle - you are the winner! Congrats!**Last week, Katie from Moms Little Running Buddy tagged me to give you a "behind the scenes" tour of my blog. I'm so glad that Katie tagged me and I'm excited to show you guys a little more of what goes into my blogging (it's really not much though). Katie and I have known each other for a few years now and, even though we only live a short drive away from each other, I wish we were able to hang out more! If you don't follow her blog, you really should - she's a working mom who is in incredible shape! Such an inspiration!What Am I Working On?Currently, not much besides just growing this baby! I have a few more reviews that I need to post before December 22nd, but I've had to start turning away some of the opportunities that have come up for reviews simply because I don't have time and/or can't meet the demands of their deadlines. But, really, I don't like to focus too much time on reviews or sponsored posts because I know you'd rather come here to see cute kiddo pics and here about this little guy who's about ready to pop on out of me!I am hoping to update a few pages - my pregnancy page is looking a little outdated as I haven't added any of my Baby #2 pregnancy links on there. I'm also working on my Body After Bump #2 plan that I am hoping to post in the next few weeks. I'm starting to get more and more excited about getting back into shape post baby, especially since I've really kept up with my workouts and am not looking forward to taking several weeks off after the baby arrives.How Does My Work Differ From Others in the Genre?I consider myself a running blogger, but really, I write about all aspects of my life. I think in general, I differ from a lot of the more popular and bigger bloggers because this obviously is not my full time job. Blogging is a hobby to me, so I try to take a lot of the pressure off of trying to get a certain number of posts up each week. I typically shoot for 2 or 3, but sometimes life gets in the way, and that's OK. I don't make any money off of my blog and very rarely do I get the opportunity to do reviews or sponsored posts (although I have been getting a lot more lately).For me, blogging is more about getting my thoughts out on paper and satisfying my need to write. I love to write and while I know I'm by far not the best writer out there, it is an outlet for me.
Why Do I Write/Create What I Do?Like I said above, this is my hobby. It's my place where I can share my experiences and passions with other people. Sometimes it's just an opportunity for me to get my thoughts out on "paper", but a lot of times, I just write to write. It's sort of like my public journal. I try to make it interesting and engaging for you guys, my readers, but I know that not everything is going to interest everyone. I just want people to get a glimpse into my life and know that I'm a real person with the same struggles that everyone else goes through too. I'm far from perfect...How Does My Writing/Creative Process Work?I wish I could say that I always have things to write about, but most of the time, I'm totally at a loss for words. I'm one of those people who gets half way through writing something and then deletes it because I either don't like what I wrote or feel that it's not significant enough to post about. Sometimes things pop in my head and I'll just write it down, but most of the time, I have at least a little bit planned out. And sometimes, I have something planned and then just never get around to it! Ha! But, I try not to pressure myself into posting something just because I feel like I have to. If someone wants to read what I write, they will, regardless of when I post it.
Who's Next?My good friend, Elena, who just recently started her blog over at Full Circle Fitness. Elena posts all sorts of awesome workouts and healthy living advice. She hasn't been blogging long, but she really has some great stuff to write about!Madeline who blogs at Food, Fitness, and Family. Madeline and I met the same time Katie and I did. We have been good blogging friends since and I miss the fact that she no longer lives in Missouri. But, she is an amazing mom of two who is currently a full time student - she is a rock star!Callie of The Wannabe Athlete. Callie is another full time working mom of two who is a total inspiration! I love her little blog and her passion for life in general. This girl always has a positive attitude about everything and I swear it rubs off on other people. Plus, her 2 kiddos are freaking adorable!