baby bump 2: 36 weeks
I have now officially been pregnant in every month. Of course, when I was pregnant with MacKenna, I didn't know I was pregnant until February, but technically I was pregnant for about 2 weeks in January...It's the home stretch now! Doctor's appointments every week, nesting is in full swing now, and I am actually starting to think about all the things I need to pack in my hospital bag. Crazy to think that 3 weeks from today, we will be heading to the hospital to have this little guy! I'm ready, but at the same time, I really need time to slow down just a little bit!BumpGetting bigger and more uncomfortable every single day. I gained another pound this past week, which considering it was Thanksgiving, is pretty good! I expect to gain another 3-5 pounds before "Baby Day" in 3 weeks, so a pound a week should be about right on. We will find out more about how he's measuring later this week. I'm curious if she'll check my "progress" even though I'm having a C-section. What I'm really hoping is that we will get another ultrasound in the next few weeks to see how he's growing! I'm so curious to see if he's going to be a teeny thing like his big sister or a "moose".SymptomsThanks to a few days off for Thanksgiving, I'm not nearly as exhausted as I normally am! I've gotten plenty of sleep and actually have gotten a lot done around the house the past few days. I'm still pretty uncomfortable, mostly because of rib pain. He tends to kick and push on my cervix as well, which is pretty much the most painful thing ever. Heart burn has been awful lately and actually woke me up a few nights ago. Laying elevated on my back seemed to help a little bit. Hopefully that doesn't mean that I'm down to 1 sleeping position. I'm not missing laying on my stomach nearly as much as last time (I've been so exhausted that sleep comes pretty easy), but it would be nice to be able to play on the floor with MacKenna comfortably. I'll admit that I've been sort of a slacker mom lately, just because I simply cannot get comfortable. Blah.I did have a massage this week, which was about the greatest thing ever! Anyone want to giving me a prenatal massage every day for the next 21 days?!WorkoutsI slacked on CrossFit, but kept up with my running for the most part. I've been doing a terrible job actually logging my workouts in DailyMile, but I pretty much know what I run each week. My paces are so different every run that there's really no point in logging them. I had one absolutely horrible run this week and ended up walking most of it, but the rest of the week went pretty well.Monday: 2 mile treadmill run + CrossFit WODTuesday: 1 mile Turkey Trot + 2 mile easy run + CrossFit WOD w/ 1/2 mile runWednesday: 2 mile treadmill run + CrossFit WODThursday: 3 mile treadmill runFriday: 2 mile treadmill runSaturday: 3 mile easy runSunday: rest dayTotal: 15.5 miles
Baby StuffI'm getting more and more nervous about Moose's arrival. Not because we are not even close to being ready for him to get here, which seriously, we are not every slightly close. I'm just worried about the transition from one kid to 2 kids. How is MacKenna going to handle it? How am I going to handle it? How much is life going to change? I'm a huge worrier and get extremely anxious about things, and this has me freaking out slightly.
MacKenna has been quite the handful lately and I will admit that my fuse has been really short with her. She has been very demanding of my time and attention, and really, really whiny. She is going to be staying with me while I'm on maternity leave and I'm nervous about how to handle her as well as the baby. I'm really not worried about taking care of him. But, with how clingy she's been lately, she's going to make caring for an infant extremely difficult. Matt and I have already talked about getting her into a routine right from the start so that she knows exactly what is going on and when and what she needs to do. And our babysitter has been having her help out with the baby during the day while she's there, and I will admit, she is REALLY good with him! She is a really good helper, so I'm hoping that once she realizes the baby is here to stay (which we have been preparing her for as much as possible), she'll be that really good helper like she is at the sitter's. Oh Lord, let's hope at least!