baby girl: week 8

I can’t believe my baby girl is (almost) 2 months old!  It’s amazing how much my life has changed in two months.  I went from having a big ol’ preggo belly to a nursing mommy and more in love than I ever thought possible.  MacKenna is the light of my life – I simply can’t imagine my life without her now!

MacKenna Week 8

Accomplishments + Milestones

We had one very big accomplishment this past week:  MacKenna rolled over for the first time!  We were doing tummy time and all of a sudden, she was on her back!  (Don’t worry, she was fully supervised when this happened – it just happened so fast!)  While I am so proud of my little girl, it scares the heck out of me that she can do this now.  Guaranteed it was just that one time so far, but having a quasi-mobile baby is scary.  Stop growing up so fast, baby girl!

That night, she also slept 8 full hours before waking up to be fed (at 4:30 AM)!  She also hasn’t done that since, but let’s hope we get a few more of those nights soon!


What We’re Working On

MacKenna has really adjusted well to the “schedule” I have he on right now.  I set up a feeding schedule based on the times I want her to go to bed at night and when I get her up.  I am still concerned that maybe this isn’t the best approach to take with her, but it has made my life a little bit easier knowing when exactly she’ll be eating (about every 2.5 to 3 hours).  Plus, she is going to bed wonderfully and Matt + I are actually able to get a few things done in the evenings now that I’ve moved her bedtime up a little bit.

I know there is a lot of controversy with putting a baby on a schedule, but please know that I am still watching her hunger cues – if she is hungry before our “scheduled” time, I feed her.  If she’s not hungry, I let her go longer.  The schedule is not set in stone and I am more than willing to be flexible with it.  Plus, she’ll be going to a babysitter the majority of the day in a few weeks (WHAAAAA!) so that schedule will only be lasting us until then.  We at least have a morning + bedtime routine down though.

We still don’t have concrete naptimes.  Right now, I am just letting her call the shots on when she wants to sleep or be awake.  She’s so inconsistent right now that I think it’d be pulling her non-existent teeth to get her to go down for a nap when she clearly doesn’t want to.  I think she’s getting plenty of sleep still and we are enjoying our playtime together.


Mama’s Miles

I had a great training week last week.  I actually started going to the gym in the morning to get my run in and it has worked out so much better.  It gets my day off to a great start and wakes me up a little bit (even though I’m getting up at 5:30 AM).  When I get home, I don’t have to worry about having to sneak out later and I can still usually fit a Body Rock workout in sometime during one of her naps!

It was also my last week of any run/walking on my training schedule.  Thankfully, I ended the week on a high note with a great run that has boosted my confidence that I can start doing my runs without walking breaks.

Monday:  2.75M run/walk on treadmill (10:43/mile pace)
Tuesday:  2.75M run/walk on treadmill (10:18/mile pace)
Wednesday:  2.25M run on treadmill (9:59/mile pace – including 400m warmup + cooldown)
Thursday:  2.75M run/walk on treadmill (10:18/mile pace)
Friday:  30 minutes elliptical
Saturday:  rest day
Sunday:  2.25M run (8:33/mile pace)

Total miles:  13 miles (10 miles running + 3 miles walking)

Random Tidbits

I still have yet to actually trim MacKenna’s nails.  Amazingly, she’s only scratched herself once and that was just this past weekend.  Her nails will pull up a little bit on the sides and I can just peel them right off, no pain or tears from either of us.  Maybe I can get by without having to cut her nails until she’s a toddler…


(She’s not always happy, but I refuse to take pictures when she’s screaming…)
