get ‘er done

I had a great day yesterday!  MacKenna napped great and Matt didn’t bring any work home so I was able to get done pretty much everything on my to-do list!  I LOVE those days!  I felt so accomplished and went to bed with a smile on my face!


I started my day with a (very early) run on the treadmill at the gym.  2.5 miles done in a little over 22 minutes.  Much slower than I’d like to be, but I know I’m still trying to build my speed back up.

I also decided to lift at the gym instead of trying to squeeze in an at-home workout during Mac’s naps.  Totally helped with getting things done during the day!  I didn’t feel time crunched at all!  (Of course, Matt would disagree with me since it was the one morning MacKenna decided to wake up early.  He was a bit sleep deprived at work yesterday…)

I’ve been reading New Rules of Lifting for Women that I got for my birthday back in October and I fell in love with their theory and workouts.  I am starting at the very beginning with eight workouts in Stage 1, and boy, am I glad I did!  I am so much weaker than I was just 8 weeks ago and am definitely feeling the squats + step ups I completed.  I will hopefully have a review of the book in the next week or 2.


I am definitely on a oatmeal kick lately.  It just tastes so good on these cold, almost winter mornings.  This bowl definitely didn’t disappoint.


  • 1/3 cup oats
  • 1/2 cup vanilla soymilk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 tablespoon chia seeds
  • Fuji apple, chopped + cooked
  • 1/4-ish cup cottage cheese, stirred in at the end (sounds weird, but I promise it’s good)
  • Peanut butter + granola topping



Leftover chili from the big pot I made on Sunday night.  Gotta get my veggies in somehow!  Topped with Fiesta Ranch sour cream (a packet of Hidden Valley Fiesta Ranch mix stirred in some sour cream – I could eat it with a spoon it’s so good!) and tortilla chips.


My lunch left me feeling a little unsatisfied, so I doubled up on my snack today.



Blueberry Chobani with 1/2 cup Kashi Go Lean Crunch and a packet of mint chocolate hot cocoa mix with 1/2 cup marshmallows.  (Yes, I know marshmallows aren’t vegetarian, but gelatin is the one thing I am lenient on with my vegetarian diet.)


I got the night off from cooking!  Loved being able to sit on the couch + snuggle with my darling daughter while the hubby cooked for us!  I made faux-meatballs on Friday night with some spaghetti squash, and Matt decided he wanted to do something different with the leftovers. 


Homemade noodles/dumplings with steamed broccoli, faux-meatballs, and brown gravy.  It was pretty good, although the meatballs were a bit dry.  Nothing a little vegetarian gravy can’t fix!


Since I missed having one last fresh concrete at Fritz’s this past weekend, I broke open my quart of pumpkin frozen custard + topped it with chocolate chips + peanut butter chips.  ‘Twas the perfect ending to my night!


How’s your week going?  Are you getting things done this week or are you completely overwhelmed with the holidays (or a new baby for many of you)?