baby bump: week 33
It’s strange to think that in 7 weeks (ish) I will be beginning my maternity leave. (Well, especially since I just started working again after being off the whole summer.) I can’t believe we are getting that close to finally meeting her face to face!Going back to work has been interesting. I have enjoyed my summer exercising, getting stuff done around the house, and resting as much as possible. I spent Monday + Tuesday sitting all day and was quite uncomfortable. Now that the kids are back, I will be on my feet outside in the heat + humidity everyday for a few hours at a time. Luckily, I am able to wear shorts + tennis running shoes and will be keeping my water attached to my side at all times. It’s definitely hard to get comfortable these days, but otherwise, I feel pretty lucky that I have felt as good as I do throughout my pregnancy. However, my ankles are definitely swollen from just one day on my feet. Not good. But, Baby Bug has LOVED listening to the kids while we were in the gym yesterday due to heat – she was rolling and kicking with how loud it was in there!Although I am able to wear shorts + comfortable shoes every day, I have gotten to the point where most of my t-shirts that I typically wear to school leave my belly sticking out at the bottom. I noticed this the other day when I was at the gym, and every time I did a squat, my t-shirt would ride up a tad more. The belly can no longer be contained – and I need new t-shirts!Let’s take a look back at the last time my co-workers saw me at the end of the last school year:Yeah, I’m pretty sure I don’t fit into that t-shirt anymore:
I’ve come a LONG way in 13 weeks!One thing I haven’t talked about a lot (or maybe I have and my pregnancy brain is clouding my memory) are my mood swings. I wouldn’t say I am a crier – I cry at normal things (engagements, a death in the family, etc.) but not over little itty bitty things. I have a pretty good life, so there isn’t much for me to be upset about. But, pregnancy has definitely made crying an almost daily thing. I can go from being laughing + happy to crying in a split second. I have cried over not being able to get a falafel when I wanted to. I have cried over feeling rushed to get from one place to another. I have cried out of sheer exhaustion. I have cried because I am crying so much… What is the deal?! It makes me worry about what my “baby blues” will be like. I know I’ll have “the weepies” after I have the baby as most moms do, but is it going to get worse? I am so worried about post-partum depression more than I feel like I should be. I hate not feeling like myself, and I’m afraid that’s what I’ll feel like after I have the baby. Just one more thing to worry about when I know I shouldn’t be stressing!After a wonderful couples shower this past weekend, I have another one this weekend that I am so excited about! Like I said, I feel so blessed to have people who are just as excited about our Baby Bug as we are! This child is going to be so incredibly spoiled – not only by Matt + me, but by her grandparents, aunts + uncles, friends, etc.I’m especially excited for her to meet all the wonderful people who mean so much to our little family! 7 weeks can’t come soon enough!