sometimes you need to treat yourself

I’m not going to lie… the past 2 days teaching have been pretty tough on my pregnant body.  The past few weeks, I have gotten more and more uncomfortable.  With the baby all up in my grill ribs, it physically hurts to sit up for long periods of time.  My ribs + obliques get really, really sore by the end of the day.  Standing feels so much better on my ribs, but it’s a different story for my feet + ankles.  My feet will be killing me by lunchtime, and by the end of the day, my ankles are twice the size as they should be.

I know, I know… I shouldn’t be complaining.  I know how absolutely blessed I am to be pregnant and |thisclose| to meeting my baby girl, but no one ever said pregnancy was easy, and believe me, the third trimester has definitely humbled me.  I’m realizing more + more that I’m not Superwoman, as much as I would like to be.

To help me get through a long day on my feet in the heat or sitting in meetings in a super uncomfortable chair, I have been treating myself to frozen custard every night.  Usually I keep frozen custard as a weekly treat out for Matt + myself, but that quart of vanilla in the freezer + dulce de leche calling my name, I have been indulging every night this past week.


However, I finished off my quart of Fritz’s Wednesday night, and was craving frozen custard last night.  So, out we went for our weekly treat… to Deter’s Frozen Custard!


We haven’t been here in over a year and I forgot how much I enjoyed it last time!  I decided to go for the Sinnabun (I think that was the name?) concrete – vanilla custard mixed with cinnamon roll pieces and cinnamon.


Not too sweet or spicy with a good chew from the cinnamon roll pieces.  I think it could have used an icing swirl in it so it tasted more like a cinnamon roll, but it was pretty gosh darn good!

Matt went for the German chocolate sundae – vanilla custard topped with caramel, hot fudge, and toasted coconut, with whipped cream on top.


OK, coconut should ALWAYS be toasted.  This was incredible!  I kind of wished I would’ve gotten Matt’s, even if I did turn down a second bit he offered me.  It was very, very yummy!


And if that isn’t reward enough, being able relax on the couch with my feet elevated makes it the perfect ending to a long day.  I’ll be doing a lot of relaxing on the couch this weekend, and I hope you all have a chance to do the same!


Do you give yourself rewards after a long, hard day?  I am seeing that this will become more + more of a daily thing as my due date approaches!