baby bump #2: 25 weeks
Sorry for my lack of posting last week. It's been a crazy busy couple of weeks, with volleyball (I'm sooooo over having games 3 nights a week) and our impending move. But, the good news is: IT'S CLOSING DAY! That's right! We close on our house today!!!!!!! Can you tell I'm just a little excited?! We had our pre-closing walk through last week and we are headed back to the house today for a quick closing walk through to make sure they took care of all the last minute things we asked them to do. I wish I could say that we were also moving in today, but since I have games the next 2 nights, the move will have to wait until the weekend (when I have my first tournament, of course). But, it looks absolutely fantastic! Tons of natural light, a big kitchen, and a playroom for the kiddos (which will go back to being the dining room it was intended to be once they hit puberty). I cannot wait to show you the finished product!Anyway, on to other important things...BumpI had my 24 weeks checkup last Friday. Everything seems great according to the doctor. I didn't ask for any measurements - no weight, no fundal height, not even the heart beat. It just really didn't seem to important. With MacKenna, she honestly didn't even measure my fundal height until I was probably 32 weeks, so I was pretty surprised when she did it. I looked at my weight when they weighed me, but I had a hoodie and running shoes on, so I'm sure the throws it off at least a little bit, right? I'm not concerned though. I'm pretty sure I've gained more so far than I did with Kenna at this point, but I'm OK with that. I still feel good and he seems to be happy and healthy, so that's all that really matters.SymptomsNothing really too new this week. I'm tired, of course. My heartburn has been a little better, except for one night after eating pasta. I only had leg cramps one night this week - SCORE! And I've been sleeping fairly well. Some pubic symphisis pain as the week went on, but after an adjustment by the chiropractor, it felt much better. So, I'm sitting pretty at this point. I give it about 2 more weeks - once I hit the 3rd trimester, all bets are off.WorkoutsI had a really great week of workouts this week! Did I get in everything I wanted to this week? No, but I adjusted and gave my body what it was asking for - sleep - while also getting in some good workouts. It's all about compromise and just listening to what my body needs right now. It's difficult getting out of the mindset that I need to get a certain amount of miles in or run a certain amount of days, but I'm trying really hard to just go with the flow and not worry about it.Monday: 4 mile runTuesday: 2 mile treadmill run (opted for some extra sleep)Wednesday: PiYo Strength IntervalsThursday: 4 mile runFriday: 2.5 mile treadmill run + PiYo Lower BodySaturday: rest daySunday: 5 mile runTotal: 17.5 miles
Baby StuffI wish I could say that I had a ton of baby stuff to talk about, but quite honestly, everything that I could say that is baby related probably deserves a post of it's own. I've been trying not to spend too much time on baby stuff outside of these weekly posts since I don't want my blog to be too baby heavy, but I know that discussions about first vs. second child/pregnancy, labor and birth options, boy vs. girl, timing of children would all probably be too lengthy to post here.I feel like I'm sort of to the point in this pregnancy where things are easy. My appointments are all 15 minutes or less (even my glucose test which I did this past week) and just aren't too exciting. There are no showers to look forward to and the nursery isn't going to happen until closer to due date. Boring, right?Matt's grandma did bring up a good point today. Matt was a preemie, born right around this time in his mom's pregnancy. His grandma told him today that he needed to start talking to Moose about staying put until it's really time. It is crazy to think that in reality, this child could make his appearance at any time. I mean, the likelihood of that happening is pretty small, but it definitely made it seem a little more real. So, we're just going to keep praying that he follows in his big sister's footsteps and decides to Mama's womb is too comfy and wants to stay in there as long as possible.