baby bump #2: 24 weeks

24 weeks marks 6 months, right?  Whoa.  Crazy.BumpPregnancy - 24 weeks

Wow, it's amazing what 3 years difference looks like.  I look like a baby with MacKenna.  At least I feel like I've aged well...

No big changes this week.  Still feeling rather large, although my bump looks about the same size as it did with MacKenna.  I had a student tell me the other day that I was still so skinny.  She's my new favorite student!  Ha!  I did take advantage of actually looking pregnant the other day by parking in the "new and expectant mother" parking spot at the grocery store.  It was more out of convenience since I had MacKenna with me and I was only going in to pick up my prescription.  I always feel bad parking there though since I know that I am perfectly capable to holding a child and walking into a store without the convenience of parking close.  But, I'll take advantage of it while I can, especially once Moose arrives in a few months.SymptomsBesides my constant exhaustion, I've had a few new symptoms pop up this week.  One of them being heartburn - as I am sitting here writing this with massive indigestion.  Yuck.  I hated that part with MacKenna.  Looks like I'll be investing in some Tums for the next few months.The other one:  massive calf cramps in the middle of the night.  I can feel them through my hamstring with severe pain in my calf and into my foot.  They only last for about a minute, but I shoot up out of bed, writhing in pain until it relaxes.  I actually wake up sore in the morning, that's how bad they get.  My chiropractor worked on some of my trigger points this weekend, so I'm hoping they become less frequent.  Four times in one week is more than enough.  Thankfully, I can usually go right back to sleep after.WorkoutsI felt pretty good this week running.  Ankle pain is pretty much gone, and besides one morning with a really sloshy stomach from dehydration (that's what I get for forgetting to fill up my water before a late volleyball game this week) that caused me to walk more than usual, my runs went good.  I skipped my PiYo workout one morning because sleep seemed a little more mandatory at the time.  Oops...Monday:  4 mile easy run Tuesday:  3 mile treadmill run + PiYo strength intervals Wednesday:  PiYo sweat Thursday:  4 mile easy run Friday:  2.5 mile treadmill run Saturday:  rest day (due to rain and Matt having a track meet) Sunday:  5 mile long run Total:  18.5 milesIMG_0060Baby StuffToday is our final walkthrough at the new house!  And we close a week from today!  Which means time to start thinking about his nursery!  For awhile, I was going for a gender neutral room, but decided to go with something he can grow into a little bit more.  So, I am planning an gray, orange, and navy themed nursery.  My mom actually found the PERFECT nursery bedding set on Etsy, with a bunch of different patterns.  I LOVE it and can't wait to get all settled in to the new house and get his nursery ready.  But, Kenna's big girl room is the first priority, since she will actually be the one living there first.Have I mentioned that we also have a name (we think)?!  But, until he is born, he will be known as Moose, although I do have to catch myself time to time from saying his actual name aloud.  It's driving my mom crazy that we won't tell anyone, but we want to leave something a surprise!  He's also gotten 2 more outfits from Gigi (my mom) and an adorable pair of Under Armor shoes (size 4, so Kenna could actually wear them right now) from one of my assistant coaches.  I love little baby shoes!  Too cute!
