wiaw: snack food

I’ve started doing What I Ate Wednesday again mostly just because the reason I got into blogging was because of food blogs, especially those like Kath and Meghann who gave a glimpse into their daily life through food.  I love seeing what other people eat (which probably makes me really weird) and getting new ideas from other people.  So, I figured this would be a way for me to show you guys what I eat daily without having to blog about my food 3 times a day (oh gosh, that would be exhausting).

This week, Jenn over at Peas and Crayons challenged us to show some of our healthy snack ideas.  I don’t really change up my snacks too often (believe me, I planned on showing you all my different snacks from this past week, but they were pretty much the same thing everyday), so instead, I’m going to share my go-to healthy snack ideas for work and home.

Work Snacks

The snacks I have at work have to be easy and non-perishable (unfortunately).  I don’t get a lot of time to snack, so I need things to be quick and easy.  I always stash several protein/granola bars in my desk to grab as I run out the door to get over to volleyball practice (or for my 30 minute commute home).


I also always have a jar of honey roasted peanuts in my desk drawer which come in particularly handy on a day where I’m ravenous and can’t make it to lunch.


They’re not the healthiest snack choices since they don’t include any fruits or veggies, but like I said, they have to be quick, easy, and non-perishable.

Home Snacks

However, eating snacks at home in the summer or on the weekends is a different story.  Instead of them revolving around convenience, I try to focus on fruits, veggies, and protein – nutrition, really!  Lately, my go-to snack has been a giant bowl of berries with vanilla Greek yogurt and either peanuts or cereal on top for some added crunch.


Other snacks include:

Carrots + tomatoes with hummus
Frozen blueberries with milk and granola
Green smoothies (if I don’t have one for breakfast)

wiaw-green monster

And way too much of this lately…


A spoonful of White Chocolate Wonderful PB has definitely replaced the handful of nuts I would normally have at school.  Plus, it gives me that little chocolate pick-me-up I always seem to need.

OK, now I’m STARVING!  Time for a snack!

What are your go-to snacks?  Do you try to focus your snacks on certain nutrients?