wiaw: kickoff

Yesterday was the kickoff day to the start of the school year, which meant all day meetings and getting back to my early morning wakeup call.  As much as I’m not ready to wake up at 4 AM again, I know that it’s the only way I will be able to get a workout in.  Definitely not ideal, but I’d be a crazy, pissed off girl without my time to workout.

My workout called for a 30 minute swim followed by a 30 minute run.  My last swim before the triathlon – AH!  I’ve been doing pretty much the same workout every time I go swim (well, for my 30 minute swims at least)…

Simple Swim Workout

Am I the fastest swimmer?  Lord No!  But, I can definitely tell how far I’ve come since the beginning of my training.  I used to have to stop at every end of my 25-yard pool and rest.  Now, I barely take a rest at all – only after my 100 repeats.  I’d love to be faster, but I’m just happy to be swimming consistently.

Quick change and I hit the treadmill for a 4 mile run.  One of my faster runs lately.  I might have become a better swimmer, but I did slow down slightly as a runner.  I’m so ready to start hitting some speed workouts hard next week!  I have my fall race schedule all planned out and I can’t wait to share it and my training plan with you guys!

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Came home, showered and got ready to go.  I actually put on pretty clothes for once!  A very, VERY rare occasion and only because our schedule specifically said “dress professionally”.  All bets are off for the rest of the school year. ;)

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4 AM wake up calls also mean breakfast in the car.  What, you ask?  Why a smoothie of course!  I know, you’re really surprised, right?! ;)  Oh, and coffee.  I’m a teacher.  I have to have coffee…

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We had the all-district meeting first, followed by some time to work in our classroom.  There are 3 of us who will be sharing a classroom for health this year – it’s incredible how much STUFF we have.  We aren’t going to need tissues or hand sanitizer for a really long time.

Lunch went unpictured, simply because I forgot to bring my phone down to lunch with me.  But, I promise you, it wasn’t anything worth photographing.  I had a cheese sandwich (picked the meat off of the deli subs), some generic Sun Chips, and 2 cookies.  Definitely lacking veggies or anything nutritious, but it kept my tummy happy.

More afternoon meetings, and a quick stop at the shirt store to order some t-shirts and polos for volleyball, and I was headed home, with a snack in hand.  Some trail mix that I had already eaten most of the nuts out of.

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Matt had a coaches meeting, so Kenna and I were on our own for the evening.  She did really well going to the babysitter yesterday (when I dropped her off), but she had a little melt down today (when Matt dropped her off).  So, it was nice to get to spend some time with her in the evening.  We played in the living room and MacKenna has learned how to sing and play the piano at the same time.  (If you don’t follow me on Instagram, I posted a video of her new talent yesterday.)

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For dinner, I had a copycat Crazy Bowls and Wraps veggie fajita bowl.  I’m pretty happy with how it turned out, and after that lackluster lunch, the veggies were exactly what I needed.  I skipped the tortilla chips because I knew as soon as I opened the bag up, my hand wouldn’t stop reaching in to grab more.  I have a tortilla chip problem.  So, just rice, veggies, and cheese for me.

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Kenna and I shared some freeze dried apples for bed and then called it a night!  More meetings today and tomorrow, and hopefully some more time in my office/classroom finishing up everything I need to be completely prepared for the school year to start a week from today!  My goal is to not get behind, to keep my head above water, and to keep my stress level as low as possible.  Hopefully by getting everything done before the start of the year, I will be able to accomplish that!


How do you deal with your unique diet or food needs when someone else prepares a meal for you?