wiaw: cabin fever

Today is Snow Day #5.  I no longer have MLK Day, President's Day, or the day after Easter off, plus 2 additional days tacked on to the end of the school year.  I'm not complaining though.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the extra week off to spend with Matt and MacKenna.  But, I will admit that I am starting to get a little stir crazy hanging at home all day long.  I have a feeling we shall be venturing out somewhere today as I don't think I can stand sitting at home much longer.  (The neighborhood roads aren't clear enough for buses to pick kids up, but main roads are just fine.)We have been trying to keep ourselves entertained as much as possible while at home though.  I tend to get bored easily and I can tell MacKenna follows in my footsteps since she plays for a toy for all of 2 minutes before moving on to another one.  So far we have...


cuddled and read books,

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practiced our letters and numbers,P1200446played in the Minnie ball pit,IMG_5547played dress up and pretended to go Trick or Treating to the different rooms in the house,P1200415and baked way too many (gluten-free) treats for Mama to have in the house.  We have also had numerous dance parties, colored in our coloring books, and played tea party a few dozen times.  She has definitely been keeping me entertained.My meals haven't been quite as exciting or entertaining as MacKenna though.  I've had my usual smoothie for breakfast...


leftover soup with fruit for lunch... (Jen's amazing Black Bean soup that I will be making again!)P1200565P1200571and trail mix for a snack.P1200624We have gotten a little bit more creative with dinners though.  I had planned our meals knowing that we would probably at least have 1 or 2 days off school this week (I wasn't expecting to have today off, but I'll take it), so we went all out for dinner on Monday night.  I made Buffalo Quinoa burgers with baked potato fries and Matt made homemade pretzel rolls for our burgers (so not gluten free).


Holy yum!  This dinner was absolutely FANTASTIC (despite the crappy picture because my house has terrible lighting)!  I have no idea what recipe Matt used for the pretzel rolls but they were perfect with the quinoa burgers!And for dessert, I had some Cookies and Cream Puppy Chow that have been totally addicting and I'm lucky I have been able to keep my hands out of it!  I have a feeling I will be making puppy chow a lot more often since I can easily make it gluten free.P1200697We are supposed to be getting a little more snow this evening on top of what we already have.  Who wants to make bets as to whether or not we have another snow day tomorrow?!Thanks for hosting the link up Jen!  Go check out what other people who are or aren't snowed in are eating this week!

