wiaw: back on track

I’m not going to lie.  I’ve pretty much eaten like crap since I got out of school last Wednesday.  From skipping lunch on Wednesday so I could checkout on time, to Matt being gone for 3 days, to Memorial Day on Monday, I ate way too much fried food and restaurant food.  And way too much food.  Exhibit A, B, and C…

wiaw-memorial day buffet

wiaw-memorial day buffet 2

wiaw-memorial day ice cream

Tuesday was my day to get back on track.  If I get into a habit of eating like crap, especially while I’m at home, I’m afraid I’ll just eat terrible all summer long.  Not good, not good at all.  I am determined to turn my last week of bad eating around and start off the summer on a good note.


Green smoothie, of course.  This was strawberry, banana, and peach – half way down before I remembered to take a picture!  There was also coffee involved, until I knocked it off the half wall that leads down to our basement.  At least the stairs smell good now…

wiaw-green smoothie half

Breakfast #2

This is a little big to be a snack, so we’ll just call it breakfast #2.  I promise there is vanilla Greek yogurt underneath the strawberry, blueberries, and cereal.



I was starving around noon and knew it would be another hour or so until I had a chance to run and didn’t want to eat lunch.  Some White Chocolate Dreams and a banana I split with MacKenna held me over through my workout.


Late Lunch

I didn’t eat lunch until after 2 PM after my run – this was one of the best salads I’ve ever made!  Leftover broccoli cheddar quinoa, romaine, tomatoes, and guacamole.  Guacamole makes everything delicious!

wiaw-quinoa salad


We had a ton of leftover guac from Monday, so we decided to have a fiesta for dinner!  I forgot to take a picture of dinner, but these tacos are seriously my absolute favorite!  They are a healthier, vegetarian version of Jack in the Box tacos.  They obviously don’t taste anything like them, but they are a decent replacement.  This girl used to be able to down 8 to 10 of them in one sitting – along with seasoned curly fries and an Oreo shake.  Dang, I wish I could still eat like I did in high school…

get thisCrunchy Black Bean Tacos. I always have corn tortillas and black beans in my cupboards. This recipe will get a lot of use.Pinned by Kristen Van HornOnto Repeat

And can you believe it?  No dessert!  I’m trying to reduce how much sugar I’ve been eating, so I’m trying to only eat sweets if we go out for ice cream or have a family function, etc.  Occasional sweets.  Hopefully it will help curb my craving a little bit.

Do you ever wish you could still eat like you did in high school?  Was your eating habits different than what they are now?