what i ate at home all day

I know I sort of brag about having the summer off.  I mean, really, teaching is a pretty sweet gig for that reason alone (although, I did go into teaching for other more noble reasons).  However, I have to admit, my life isn’t very exciting now as a summer-only stay at home mom.

I left the house once yesterday.  And it was before 6 AM.  For a run.  That’s it.  I woke up at 5:15, laced up my runnin’ shoes, and hit the road for a 5-mile interval run (2 minutes fast, 1 minute slow + repeat).  When I returned home, I never left the house again.

I did make a stellar bowl of oatmeal, but totally forgot it was Tuesday (being off in the summer will do that to you) and didn’t take a picture of it.  To paint a picture in your head, it was steel cut oats with banana, chia seeds, strawberries + blueberries, topped with Biscoff spread (yum) and honey roasted peanuts.  It was delicious.

After showering and playing with my girl until she decided it was nap time, I made myself a little snack of fruit + nut medley (which is from Costco, in case you were wondering).



I did go out of the house on Monday (so I didn’t have to leave on Tuesday) to the produce stand to pick up our fruit + veggies for the week to make myself this killer salad for lunch.


Romaine, tomatoes, broccoli, green pepper, carrots, cheddar, and croutons and topped with some guacamole ranch (seriously, so good).  On the side I had a cherry Oikos with granola.


More playing + napping for the little one before it was time for lunch #2.  Leftover risotto and a handful of honey roasted peanuts.



After getting some work done on the computer while Kenna Girl napped, it was time to start making dinner.  I know I made burgers last week, but I saw this mushroom burger on Cooking Channel and felt that I needed to make it this week.  (If you have Cooking Channel, you should really watch Bobby Dean’s new show Not My Mama’s Meals.  He takes his mom’s – Paula Dean – recipes and makes them into healthier dishes.  Amazing.)


Portobello burgers with sweet potato fries.  Oooh, and after having some amazing sangria at the Strawberry Festival this past weekend, I also felt that I needed to make sangria this week also.  (A few summer’s ago, Matt + I pretty much drank sangria with every single meal.  Best. Summer. Ever.)  I only drank a few sips of this before MacKenna absolutely had to get out of the highchair and into the bathtub.  No worries, though.  It will be consumed tomorrow night.


And because I’m seriously addicted to Fritz’s right now, a few scoops of vanilla custard with chocolate chips + sprinkles on the couch while reading a few chapters in Mockingjay and finishing watching Moneyball that we started a few nights ago.

Such an exciting day, right?  Ha.  I’m still decompressing from the end of the school year, I guess.  Very little motivation to do anything right now, and just trying to soak up every second with my baby doll.  Speaking of, she ate carrots for the first time today that she wasn’t particularly fond of, but she did enjoy banana + avocado in the mesh feeder.


Oh, that face gets me every time…


What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done this week?  I need a little excitement in my life, obviously…
