what a pickle

I have found out that it is definitely true about having weird or unusual cravings while pregnant.  I have had quite a few – salt bagels, potato chips, French fries – but the strangest ones I have had have been for pickles and/or ketchup.

Honestly, before we got pregnant, we hadn’t had a bottle of ketchup in our fridge for over a year.  In the past 3 months, I have almost finished off an entire bottle pretty much by myself.  This past weekend was no exception.  I microwaved a sweet potato on two different occasions just so I could eat with with some ketchup.  But, the weirdest craving hit Friday.


Pickles with ketchup.  My life has been forever changed.  I really don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this sooner.  Sure, I’m probably getting a month’s worth of sodium in this snack, but it definitely satisfies that craving I am having.

Pickles have been the real kicker.  I will finish dinner and then have some pickles, just because I can.  I will base my meals around pickles – sandwiches, veggie burgers, etc.

But, this recipe took the cake.  The perfect balance of potatoes with dill pickles.  When I saw it, I knew I had to make it, and I am so glad that I did.

And I promise, you don’t have to be pregnant to enjoy this soup.  It’s more of a potato soup than a pickle soup, just with a little touch of dill.  Matt even enjoyed it – as do the many customers at the Fountain on Locust!  I can’t wait to go back to get some more ice cream and have this delicious soup again!


Makes 4 servings.  Slightly adapted from this recipe to make vegetarian.

4 cups vegetable broth
4 cups Russet potatoes, diced (I didn’t bother peeling mine – too much work)
3 to 4 Polish dill pickles
1/2 tablespoon Earth Balance
1/2 cup unsweetened soy milk
1/2 cup Tofutti sour cream
Pickle juice, optional
Salt + pepper to taste
Dried dill, for garnish

Pour vegetable broth into a large pot and heat over medium-high heat.  Add the diced potatoes and bring to a boil.  Cover and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.  With an immersion blender (or you can move it all into a blender), puree the soup until almost smooth, leaving a few chunks of potato for texture.

Place pickles in a food processor and pulse until it is about the texture of pickle relish.  Stir pickle puree and Earth Balance into the soup pot.  Return to a simmer and cook an additional 5 minutes.

In a separate bowl, whisk the soy milk into the sour cream until smooth.  Adding about 1/4 cup at a time, whisk about 2 cups of the hot soup into the sour cream mixture.  Add the sour cream/soup mixture into the rest of the soup.

You may choose to add a tablespoon or two of pickle juice if you choose, but it is completely optional.  Season with salt + pepper to taste.  Gently reheat until warm, but do not boil, otherwise it will curdle, and that’s no fun!  Garnish with some dried dill and enjoy!


I know it’s getting a little warmer now, but this would still be perfect on a chilly, rainy day.  Or just save the recipe until next fall or winter – or, ya know, if you get pregnant or something.  It certainly satisfies my pickle cravings!