weekly workouts: training wheels

After going back and forth for a few days, I finally decided to use the Hal Higdon training plan.  The 2 plans were actually really similar, but that one was going to save me some time during the week, and with already being super busy, I need all the time I can get.  So, Hal Higdon it is!

My runs have gone pretty well this week, despite a tweaked hamstring, thanks to drop kicking dodgeballs on Wednesday during school.  And this week I was able to introduce the jogging stroller back into some of my runs!  Woohoo!


3.1 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
Front Squats 5x5
(Maxed at 85 pounds)


Rest Day


6 mile long run


3.1 mile easy run with the jogging stroller


{ CrossFit }
1000m Row
Thrusters 50x, 45 pounds
Inverted Rows 30x


1/2 mile warm-up
5x400 with 400m recoveries
1/2 mile cool down

{ CrossFit }
3 rounds:
Run 800m
Wall Balls 30x, 10 pounds


4 mile easy run

7.5 mile bike ride

1 hour of volleyball

We had a field trip yesterday for all of our students who qualified for the Presidential Fitness Award.  We took them to one of the local parks to ride their bikes, play frisbee golf, and just hang out for the day.  Besides getting a little sun on my face, I also got a chance to ride the paved trails there for a little while.

And boy, do I have some learning to do!  I really am determined to do a triathlon, like, in the near future, instead of just continuing to push it off year after year.  I know that the bike is going to be my weakest sport because I’m scared to death of falling.  Really, I’m scared of flying over the handlebars and hitting my head.  The park we went to has steep downhills with lots of turns, totally solidifying my fear of falling.  I didn’t fall, but I was going slower than what I can run down those hills.

I also don’t understand anything about the gears or when I should pedal or not pedal.  What’s the deal with riding in a line?  What’s the etiquette for going around turns during a race?  I just really know NOTHING about biking.  But, this was a great starting point for me.  Now, I just need to get a bike!

Seriously, help me please!  I really need as much help as I can get to feel confident to train for a triathlon!