weekly workouts: busy busy

Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments and tweets about calorie counting.  I knew I couldn’t be alone out there and I really wanted people to know that there are other people out there struggling with what I went through.  I definitely think calorie counting is helpful for weight loss, but when it is taken to the point where I was, it becomes an unhealthy addiction, unfortunately.  Anyways, moving on…

CrossFit workouts have been a little lacking this week.  Things have been a little busy after school during the week and weekends have been just as busy.  The end of the school year is always really busy, so keeping up with workouts becomes a little bit more difficult.  I’m lacking a little bit more sleep lately to fit my runs in before work, but with only 13 days left of school, I think I can handle it!


30 minute tempo run
(3.9 miles)


6 mile long run


Rest Day


3 mile easy run with the jogging stroller



1/2 mile warm-up
8x200m with 200 meter recoveries
1/2 mile cool down

{ CrossFit }
15-12-9 reps of:
Box Jumps, 18”
KB Swings, 25 lbs
Incline Push-ups


3.75 mile easy run with the jogging stroller

{ CrossFit }
Walking Lunges 40x
Incline Push-ups 40x
Jump Rope 120x
Knees-to-Elbows 20x
Inverted Rows 40x
Box Jumps 40x, 18”
Overhead Squats 40x, 20#
Jumping Pull-ups 20x
Sit-ups 40x



30 minute tempo run
(3.9 miles)

{ CrossFit }
Deadlifts 5x3
(Maxed out at 125 lbs)

The stroller runs have been tough.  I’m just not used to pushing her and of course the days I take her out, it’s blazing hot out.  OK, not blazing, but hotter than I’m used to and I’m still not quite acclimated to the warmer weather yet.  I am loving that little bit of extra time with her and I’m excited to run a few more races with her this summer!  I have a feeling that as she grows, she’s going to become more and more mischievous like the little munchkin in this video…

Do you struggle fitting in workouts when your schedule gets hectic?  Have you had a chance to acclimate to the warmer weather lately?