weekly workouts: best month ever

I promise I didn't disappear on you after last week.  Just dealing with some internet issues Sunday night so I ended up not being able to post.  But, I figured I needed to be posting some happier posts, right?!As I finished my long run Sunday evening, I checked my email to see this...IMG_2508That's right.  My most miles in a month.  Well, at least according to RunKeeper.  I have a feeling I have logged more at one time (prior to becoming pregnant with Miles, I was running 30+ miles a week), but just didn't track it in RunKeeper.  However, this is by far the most miles I have logged in a month since I had Miles.  (Hmm, that sounds funny...)I finally feel like I'm back.  Like I'm back to my old running self.  My paces have been hanging around the 8-minute-mile mark and I haven't been dealing with too many nagging issues lately.  (I think I finally got my foot figured out for now.)  I don't know if it's being dedicated to my training plan and actually getting in my speed workouts, or if it's that I'm running in the afternoons, which seems to really work well for me.  Either way, I'll take it!Monday:  20-30 minute easy run (2.97 miles @ 8:01/mile) + #FromFlattoAllThat Week 2 Day 1IMG_2482Tuesday:  30-40 minute easy run (4 miles @ 7:55/mile) + #FromFlattoAllThat Week 2 Day 2Wednesday:  35-45 minute easy run (5.15 miles @ 7:58/mile)Thursday:  10 x hill sprints (5.09 miles @ 7:53/mile) + #FromFlattoAllThat Week 2 Day 1Friday:  10-20 minute easy run (1.45 miles @ 8:05/mile) + #FromFlattoAllThat Week 2 Day 2Saturday:  OFFSunday:  8 mile run with last 2 miles fast (@ 7:54/mile)Total:  26.66 miles
