weekly workouts

Friday – FINALLY!  It’s been a looooooong week, but as of 3:15 this afternoon, I will officially be on Spring Break for the next week!  Woohoo!  I’m so ready for a break, and it’s been blatantly obvious that my kiddos are too!  Hopefully we all come back from break refreshed and ready to tackle the last few weeks of the school year.

I have no big plans over Spring Break (Matt’s has been the past TWO weeks).  Except, of course, to spend some much needed quality time with MacKenna!  I was really hoping we’d get to take some long walks outside, go to the park, and maybe even a trip to the zoo.  But, we are slated to have a pretty big WINTER storm this weekend and the weather is going to be less than ideal for spending a ton of time outside.  Boo.  It’s supposed to be SPRING Break, right?!  Oh well.  We’ll still have plenty of fun playing inside!



Here’s what my Week in Workouts looked like this past week:


1/2 mile warm-up and cool down
9x400 meter repeats with 400 meter recoveries
(5.5 miles in 42 minutes)

{ CrossFit }
3 rounds of 21-15-9 reps:
Thrusters, 40 lbs


Run to the Helmet 7K race
(4.2 miles in 29:04)



Rest Day


5 mile easy run in 40:11

{ CrossFit }
CrossFit Games Open 13.2
As many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes:
Shoulder to Overhead 5x, 45 lbs
Deadlifts 10x, 65 lbs
Box Jumps 15x, 18” box
(6 rounds)


1/2 mile warm-up and cool down
5x800 meters with 400 meter recoveries
(4.5 miles in 32:31)

{ CrossFit }
21-15-9 reps:
Bench Dips


1 mile warm-up and cool down for CrossFit

{ CrossFit }
As many rounds as possible in 18 minutes:
Run 200m
Deadlifts 9x, 85 lbs
Burpess 6x
(8 rounds + 200 meters)


45 minutes of playing volleyball – proud to say that my team won, I had a block, and one of my freshman Varsity players is looking OUTSTANDING for next season!  I’m excited!


Only 2 more long runs until the half marathon!  Hoping to get it in sometime tomorrow.  Lord knows I’m not going to be trying to get 11 miles in with 6 inches of snow on the ground!

Anyone else dealing with a late March snow storm?  How do you fit in long runs when there is going to be snow on the ground?