weekly meal plan + postpartum training plan

I just finished my first week coaching a New Year 2 Week challenge group with my friend Elena.  Our group is all about motivating our challengers to be active and eat well to start the new year.  It's basically just a way to kick start those new year's resolutions.  And so far, our challengers are doing AWESOME!You would think that by coaching this group I'd be totally motivated to eat really well.  Ha!  It's not that I'm not motivated to eat well, it's just that I'm having to relearn all those great eating habits I had pre-pregnancy.  *sigh*  I have really been struggling with eating well, especially when I am home all day.  I wish it was something I could just get back in to, knowing that I'm no longer pregnant and I can't eat whatever I want, whenever I want anymore.  It probably also doesn't help that I'm breastfeeding and constantly feel hungry.  While I know that I get an extra 500 calories per day because of that, I'm using those 500 calories as an excuse to eat junk.  Cookies, M&M's, chips, etc.  It just really hasn't been good.But, I'm vowing to change my habits through careful planning and praying that getting to really workout again this week will help motivate me to really get back on track.  So, this week, I am jumping on board with Laura's Weekly Meal Plan link up and sharing my meal plan for the week as well as my weekly workouts from last week (although, that's not much right now).  I'm hoping this will really help me get my rear in gear to actually eat HEALTHY foods again!WorkoutsMonday:  rest dayTuesday:  40 minute mall walk with the stroller (1.5 miles)Wednesday:  rest dayThursday:  20 minute elliptical (1.5 miles), 20 minute walk (1.3 miles)Friday:  rest daySaturday:  rest daySunday:  rest dayTotal miles:  4.3 miles (walking + elliptical)I got the "clear" from my doctor to start some low-impact exercises, so I will be amping up the walking + elliptical this week, as well as starting PiYo.  You have NO IDEA how excited I am to start doing PiYo again - and not be pregnant doing it!  Ha!  Only 3 more weeks until I can actually start running again and doing some higher impact exercises.  So, what did I do this weekend?  Created my postpartum training plan!  I seriously cannot WAIT to be running again, but I'm also trying to take it slow as much as possible, as I know my body is still healing (and my doctor freaked me out about my incision busting back open).Screen Shot 2015-01-11 at 5.16.53 PMStarting out with just walking and elliptical, adding some speedier intervals in there, and then eventually will progress to run/walking.  And yes, I will be doing Insanity Max:30 as soon as I get the all clear - and I cannot WAIT!Meal PlanI had a free week trial for Blue Apron a couple of months ago, and have just been skipping the deliveries since then.  Of course, this week, I apparently didn't see the email and didn't skip it, so we had a few meals planned for us this week already.  We ate one of the meals last night (Tom Yum Tofu soup - which was yummy), and will be having another for dinner and I'll be eating the last one for lunch this week.  Expensive, but definitely made meal planning easy this week!Monday:  buffalo quinoa burgers + sweet potato friesTuesday:  Blue Apron butternut squash gratinWednesday:  birthday party for one of MacKenna's friendsThursday:  quiche (I'm thinking this recipe since I have some extra sweet potatoes)Friday:  homemade pizza (+ beer)Saturday:  leftovers/out/easy dinnerSunday:  soup (I will figure this out next weekend, but suggestions are welcome!)