weekend out

My weekend started extremely early Saturday morning with a kiss goodbye from Matt – he was off to the University of Kansas (*cough* go Mizzou! *cough*) for the day for the Kansas Relays track meet.  Which meant, it was just Mac + me for the day.

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After getting M and myself fed (1/2 a bagel with peanut butter), we headed to the gym so I could get my long run in.  It was a little chilly out and my hamstrings have been killing me since the race last Sunday, which sort of makes me nervous because the last time I ran GO! 2 years ago, I ended up with hamstring tendonitis.  It’s not that bad yet, but I’m still very aware of the soreness in my legs.  So, I opted for the treadmill instead of pushing Mac in the jogging stroller.  A nice 6 miler in just under 48 minutes.

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I decided I needed some Starbucks for a little pick-me-up and post-long run reward before heading home for breakfast.  I look forward to my post-long run oatmeal every week.  Steel cut oats, vanilla soymilk, chia seeds, banana, microwaved apple, granola, sprinkles, and the best part – Biscoff spread.  It’s my breakfast indulgence for the week and it’s so good!

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After spending most of the day cleaning while dancing around like an idiot for MacKenna, we were off to go see Uncle Brian’s musical production of Beauty and the Beast.  But, not before eating some delicious food (and beer) at Ferguson Brewing.  I got the veggie pizza (mushrooms, zucchini, squash, onions, and peppers covered in mozzarella on flatbread) and a delicious beer that I had also been looking forward to all week long.

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The musical was really good!  I am so used to seeing professionals that I had to keep reminding myself that this was a high school production.  My brother did a fabulous job directing and I was definitely impressed with some of the actors.  MacKenna was great as well!  She slept through part of it, but when she was awake, she loved the singing!  I’m praying she picks up my love for singing when she gets older and we can sing duets together!


Sunday involved church, groceries, and cleaning before date night!  I haven’t been out (except to work or workout) without MacKenna since Kolby + Melissa’s wedding back in February.  With a Groupon expiring in just a few days, we had the perfect excuse to drop M off at my parents for a night out, just the 2 of us.

My Groupon was for SmashBurger, which just opened up about a year ago in St. Louis.  I was excited to find out that they offered a veggie burger on the menu – any place that caters to vegetarians wins in my book!  I went for the Spicy Baja burger with a veggie burger patty, pepper jack cheese, tomato, onion, chipotle sauce, guacamole, and fresh jalepenos  on a chipotle bun with their sweet potato smashfries on the side.


Oh yeah, and a Gooey Butter milkshake.  Holy yum!  While I LOVED the milkshake, the burger is what I would come back for.  It had just the right amount of kick to it and wasn’t overly spicy.  The burger was a little crumbly, but I’m pretty used to that when we’re talking about black bean burgers.  And the fries were great too!  Matt got the regular fries, but the sweet potato fries were so much better!  And for a girl who doesn’t particularly like rosemary as a seasoning, that’s saying a lot!

Our “date” only took about 30 minutes, so we decided to head to Matt’s favorite bar that I’ve been wanting to check out since I was pregnant, Exit 6 Brewery.  This is a 21 and older, beer only bar that has their own brews on tap.  I had their housebrewed Irish stout and Matt + I split a chocolate stout.  Both were bitter and dark, as expected with stouts, and I loved them both, though it was hard to finish the chocolate stout, seeing as we were both completely stuffed!

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Matt + I definitely need the date night.  He’s been so busy with school and track lately that I feel like I’ve hardly been able to spend any time with him.  We try to have one date night a month, but sometimes life gets in the way and we just can’t fit it in.  Luckily, we just so happen to have another night out this coming Friday.  I know I’m going to need it after another long week ahead…