triathlon training: week 5

Hope you all had a wonderful long holiday weekend!  We spent the 4th at my aunt + uncle’s lake house and spent the rest of the weekend pretty much relaxing.


Yesterday was our 6 year wedding anniversary.  It’s incredible how fast 6 years go by!  We’ve now officially been married longer than we dated (we’ve been together almost 12 years).  It’s been an incredible journey with Matt.  I’m incredibly lucky to have him by my side.  He’s my best friend and soul mate.  Six years has flown by and I can’t wait for every new adventure our future has in store for us.  I love you so much Matt!  Thank you for a wonderful life together!





It was back to the training grind this past week after our wonderful Gulf Shores vacation.  And man, I could tell it had been awhile since I had swam.  I went from swimming 1,200 yards in 30 minutes to reverting back to 1,000 yards in 30 minutes.  Seriously, the old guys are passing me by.  Ugh.  So frustrating.  I can only get faster, right?!

2013 Sprint Triathlon Training Plan


4.5 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
Back Squat 3 rep max, 115 lbs

As many rounds/reps as possible in 8 minutes:
Pushups 16x
Toes to bar 8x
Walking lunges 24x
(Completed 4 rounds + 16 pushups)


1,000-yard swim
(~30 minutes)

4 mile easy run


5 mile run with the jogging stroller


50 minute ride on the spin bike
(~13 miles)


{ CrossFit }
Overhead Squat 3x3, 55 lbs

As many rounds/reps as possible in 12 minutes:
Thrusters 10x, 10 lb dumbbells
Situps 10x
(Completed 13 rounds + 10 thrusters)


 1,000-yard swim
(~30 minutes)

6 mile easy run


Rest Day


I had some foot pain earlier this week.  It started on Thursday and got worse as the day progressed.  It’s right on the ball of my foot between my metatarsals.  I’ve had Morton’s neuromas before, but this is definitely not the same feeling.  It continued all day on Friday, starting fine in the morning and getting worse as the day progressed.  Saturday, I set out for my brick with no pain.  I started my  run with a pain that was probably a 4 out of 10 and it felt better as I continued.  I got home and had absolutely no pain whatsoever.  So weird.  I’m blaming it on not being to the chiropractor in over 2 weeks (I miss them!) and playing quite a bit of volleyball on Tuesday night.  I’m going to keep an eye on it this week, but it’s definitely much, much better – thank goodness!  I was starting to freak out a little bit!

This week, I’m officially going to get a bike to borrow from my parents.  I really, really, really need to start getting some miles in on the road.  I’m still scared out of my mind, but I’m never going to be able to do this triathlon unless I actually attempt to bike.  Thankfully, my friend Elena is going to do a few rides with me, including biking the triathlon course.  Can’t wait!

Missed a week of triathlon training?  Catch up!

Week 1 // Week 2 // Week 3 // (Skipped Week 4 because of vacation)