this + that

Ugh. Longest. Week. Ever.  I've barely had enough time to think about a blog post, let alone write something half way decent and meaningful.  Ha.  Because that happens soooo frequently, right?!  So, here's what's going on instead...1.  Volleyball is back in my life for the next several months.  Part of the reason why I've been busy this week is that I've had volleyball camp all week.  Of course, I planned it from 4 until 7 every day, right smack dab in the middle of when I get a bunch of this done and during dinner time.  I'll just say, camp is not my favorite week of the year.  It's kind of my end-of-summer and beginning-of-volleyball time frame.  Makes me so sad that summer is so close to coming to an end.  I'm so not ready for my life to be outrageously busy.2.  I'm almost done with my summer classes.  HALLELUJAH!  This is the other reason I've been busy this week.  Nap times have been spent writing paper after paper every day since the beginning of June.  I have a paper and a half left to write (it should only be one paper but I decided to blog instead of finish my paper... oops) and then I. Am. Done.  And I'll have my bachelor's plus 15 hours, which means a bit of a pay bump...3.  ...which we will need to pay for preschool for MacKenna.  We went and visited a preschool on Monday for MacKenna.  We all really liked it, but we are having a slight freak out about paying for it.  With a new house (and subsequent mortgage), a baby on the way (who will also need daycare after I'm back at work), and preschool + daycare for MacKenna, we are starting to pinch pennies a little more.  We have the option of waiting another year and starting her in 3-year old preschool next year (she would be in the 2's classroom this year), but both of us think it would be beneficial for her.  So, a new car for me will have to wait and cable might be a luxury we can do without for awhile.  Did anyone else wait to start preschool until age 3/almost age 4?IMG_6744

It's a big deal when your toddler who is scared of everything starts to go down the slide all by herself!  I'm so proud of her!  Such a big girl!

4.  The weather here has been amazing!  It's been in the mid-70s for highs and lows in the upper 50s.  I've still been waking up at 6 to run, but had to postpone my run until later one morning because MacKenna woke up WAY too early, and I was still able to run comfortably.  It's so nice to be able to play outside and not be sweating like crazy as soon as I step outside.  Of course, as soon as school starts, it'll be like 100 degrees and absolutely miserable.  So, I'll enjoy it while I can...IMG_67405.  I'm ready for a relaxing week off from volleyball, school, life, etc.  And next week is going to be just that week.  I plan on catching up on reading blogs, laying by the pool, and spending time with my two loves.  With 2 weeks left until volleyball tryouts start, I'm going to enjoy every last second of my summer as I can...