this + that
It's Friday. So, how about some mindless reading on this Friday about random happenings in my life, huh?#1: A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down and talk (over the phone) with Adam and Devin at the Lifestyle Accountability podcast. I'm not a great writer, but I know I'm a much better writer than I am at public speaking, so I was absolutely beyond nervous and didn't stop shaking until it was over. Well, it finally aired yesterday! I didn't know if I wanted to listen to it, but I needed something to occupy my time on the treadmill yesterday morning, so I turned it on. I'm actually surprised at how relaxed and natural I sound, because even as a teacher, I am constantly struggling with speaking in public. If you need something to listen to pass the time away while on the treadmill, go check it out! I have been listening to their podcast for a couple weeks now, and I am so incredibly inspired by some of these bloggers they have had on the show! If you need that extra push to get motivated, this can definitely help!#2: I'm taking more of a laid back approach to my racing calendar this year. I decided not to run the half marathon this spring like I normally do - it's just not worth my time and effort right now. So, I'm trying to pick a few random shorter races to run instead. One of them that I just signed up for is the Celebrate Fitness 5K, which is co-chaired by my friend and fellow blogger Katie @ Mom's Little Running Buddy. Celebrate Fitness is a 90-minute fitness workshop that helps raise money to support cancer research and projects at Siteman Cancer Center in St. Louis. It's going to be a fun event: you can choose from running a 5K or 10K, or doing a fitness event like yoga, Zumba, or water aerobics. I am of course doing the 5K, but am just planning on running it for fun, so I would LOVE to have some fellow runners to run with. Please go register and run with me!#3: So, I've raved about my chiropractor before, but can I just tell you again how much I absolutely LOVE him?! I'm still dealing with a head cold - not so much sinus issues, but just general drainage that is kicking my butt. On my day off yesterday, I went and asked if he could do something to help me feel better. He basically massaged all my lymph nodes and did some pressure point massage to help move all the junk out of my system. He said the trigger points he was hitting was similar to what they would do in acupuncture. I'm still a little stuffy, but I am feeling SO much better already! Here's hoping that I finally get this thing out of my system. Two weeks is 2 weeks too many to be dealing with this!#4: I splurged on cupcakes last night. A new cupcake shop opened up about a year ago right up the road from us. When I saw a Living Social deal pop up for Cupcake Amore, I had to get it so we could just try it. I ended up getting 3 different kinds of cupcakes: salted caramel, caramel blondie, and German chocolate. Matt and I split the salted caramel last night. It was just OK. The cake was a little dry from my liking and the frosting was so super sweet. I think I'm learning that I'm just not a cupcake fan. Guess I'll just stick to ice cream...
#5: Munchkin Meals isn't for another week or 2, but this picture was too funny/cute not to share...
Kenna girl LOVES her some hummus! She will ask for carrots and dip, but uses the carrots as the delivery method for the hummus. So, yesterday (we had a "snow" day for below-zero temperatures) I just gave her the spoon at lunch and the remainder of the tub of hummus. It didn't take too long before she decided she didn't even need the spoon...
I have taught her well, my friends...