things i'm loving lately (+ a giveaway!)

How about a little what I'm loving lately for the last Friday of the summer?  Well, for me at least.  (Excuse me while I go cry in my pillow for a little while...)La Croix Sparkling Water.  This has been my go-to drink all summer.  It's hard to be off in the summer because I have a huge issue with snacking - or just wanting dessert after my lunch.  One of these after my lunch definitely helped with those cravings.  My favorites are the coconut and apricot, which, funny enough, we bough for Matt.Compression Socks.  I've been dealing with a little bit of plantar fasciitis lately that thankfully my chiropractor is helping me out with.  But, I'm still having issues, especially when I wake up in the morning (or when I have to get out of bed to put Kenna back into hers).  So, I started researching some things that might help with that.  I bought a pair of Zensahs that also have foot support, but they were putting too much pressure on the side of my foot.  Then, I received some CEP socks as part of my ambassadorship with Rock 'n' Blog, and finally, sweet relief with running.  I'm no longer running in pain, like I had been for weeks, including the entire half marathon.  I am in love - even though I probably look crazy wearing long socks running in the summer...IMG_2343Edy's Frozen Custard.  I seriously wish my neighbor hadn't turned me on to these, but I am seriously obsessed and have been CRAVING it in the evenings.  I even have to go to a different grocery store just to get it.  (Come on, Schnucks - get in the game!)  I've had the Snickerdoodle, Salted Caramel Pretzel, and Peanut Butter Pie.  I can't pick a favorite yet, but most didn't last more than a few days.  I have a problem... This is why I run...Sprecher Hard Apple Pie.  These were special.  And dangerous.  One of Matt's co-workers bought these up in Wisconsin and brought them down for us.  Oh man, apple pie in a bottle.  So. Freaking. Good. SPIbelt.  I was recently sent a SPIbelt to try out.  I always run with my phone, but just hold it in my hand while I run.  I've also tried belts in the past, only to have them bounce all over the place, spending most of my run messing around with the belt.  But, the SPIbelt is way different.  It doesn't bounce - at all!  Plus, it's small but is able to expand enough to hold my iPhone 6.  They also just launched the Performance Series that have a larger pocket size and belt loops for your gel.  I absolutely LOVED having this during #RnRCHI and it will definitely come in handy when I'm running at school again next week and need some place to put my keys!IMG_2185Want one of your own?!  Enter below for your chance to win (US entrants only).  Giveaway runs until Thursday, August 13.a Rafflecopter giveawayDisclaimer:  I received the SPIbelt to try out in exchange for a review on my blog.  All opinions are my own.