Things I'm Loving Lately
Yesterday was a looooong day. It was one of those days where I felt that I was the worst parent ever. Although I did get both kids down for bed by 8 last night, on my own, for the first time. Progress people. But, it was rough...
So, I figured I'd turn my frown upside down by thinking of some of the things that are making me happy lately. (Not that my kids don't make me happy...)
1. ShakeologySpecifically, the vegan chocolate Shakeology. I've been drinking smoothies daily since MacKenna was born. It was just an easy way for me to get in an extra serving of fruits and (sometimes) vegetables in the morning. Plus, I needed the added protein in my diet since that was something I struggled with as well. I would always just go buy a giant bag at Costco and that was that. But, I have to admit, I don't think I could ever go back to a protein powder now. I know there is a lot of hype around Shakeology, but seriously. It not only contains the much needed protein I need (in vegan form nonetheless), but is packed full of super food goodness. I don't have to add anything extra to my smoothies any more (chia seeds, spinach, etc.) because it's all IN the Shakeology. And my SKIN. It's never looked better, and y'all know the hormones running through my body lately. I've had one pimple in the past 6 months since I started taking Shakeology, and believe me, that's a big deal for my acne-prone skin (guaranteed, I don't break out a lot, but usually I get a zit or 2 at least once a month). (Note: the above link is an affiliate link.)2. Thumbholes and yoga caprisIn true SAHM form, I pretty much don't wear anything but yoga capris unless I absolutely have to. I really have no idea what I'm going to do when I go back to work since I don't think wearing tight yoga capris every day is exactly appropriate school attire (at least not for me). Thank goodness I can still wear workout clothes for my job, so that won't change too much.
Also, thumbholes. I have actually been searching out shirts with thumbholes in my closet and get disappointed when they don't have them. I really have no idea why I like them so much because I don't even get to wear the thumbholes most of the day since I am constantly washing my hands. But, shoot, they're cute and I love them!3. FableticsWhich brings me to Fabletics... I'm a little late to jump on the Fabletics bandwagon, but OMG, I LOVE it! The clothes are cute and fit just right and best of all, are completely affordable! Plus, the 2 things above... :) And yes, those are my newest Fabletics capris above...4. Women's Running MagazineI'm really just kind of tooting my own horn on this one, but thanks to Women's Running Magazine, I've gotten to cross something off my bucket list! In case you missed it (which could be pretty easy if you're just flipping through like I was), I am the Blogger on the Run for the March issue! You can see my mug - and my feet - talking about running! Short and sweet but I'm pretty pumped about it! (Note the thumbholes...)