things i’m loving: blog edition

Although I have had time to cook this week a bit, Matt and I still haven’t had a chance to make it out to get some frozen custard.  (If you’re counting, it’s been like 3 weeks… gah!)  Track season is (slowly) coming to an end, so the custard drought should be coming to a close soon.

So, instead, I’m going to do another Things I’m Loving: Blog Edition. (I forgot to give credit to the always hilarious Abby of Abby Normally for her idea of “Things I’m Loving” the last time I did this a few weeks ago – Thanks Abby!) I have quite a few blogs I read now (too many to count), but lately, I’ve had a few that have been my favorites.

1.  Abby Normally:  Even though I only know her through reading her blog, I find her hilarious!  She is a marathoner – she is actually running one this weekend! – and also into barefoot running.  I have learned a lot about barefoot running through her blog, so if you’re interested in barefoot running, she is a great resource.

2.  Patty Says Park It!:  OK, so Patty’s my cousin, but I think the concept for her blog is unique and creative!  She has decided to give up driving anywhere less than 5 miles away for the entire summer (she’s also a fellow teacher).  I’m interested to see how many active miles she gets in this summer!  Most places I go on a regular basis, besides work, are about 2 miles away and I can’t imagine walking to those places.  I hope to gain some inspiration and motivation from her!

3.  Daily Garnish:  A runner, vegetarian, chef (!) – and soon-to-be mommy!  Emily is only a week behind me in her pregnancy, so I love reading her weekly updates to see how similar and different our pregnancies are.  Let’s just say, hers has been much harder than mine, and she just moved all the way across the country 17 weeks pregnant.  Not sure I could have done that.

4.  Beneath It All:  Kelly is also a runner (just finished her 3rd marathon recently) and vegetarian, and just got ENGAGED this week!  I loved planning my own wedding so I can’t wait to hear all about her wedding plans.  Plus, she’s marrying a PE teacher, so of course she can’t go wrong there!

5.  Faith Fitness Fun:  Tina just became a mom for the second time in January and is in the process of getting her body back.  And may I just say, she looks amazing!  I look to her for inspiration all the time!  She just recently took up running and has found how absolutely addicting it is!  Plus, her kids are incredibly cute!

6.  Young House Love:  My bestie Julie introduced me to this blog awhile ago and it is amazing for ANYONE!  They just recently moved into their second home and are slowly decorating it and doing a bit of renovations.  Seriously, their ideas are awesome – I wish I had their talent!  I am constantly sending Matt emails of their posts so that maybe we can get our house looking as good as theirs.  Plus, they just wrote a post on cloth diapers which has me (and I think Matt) convinced even more about using cloth instead of disposable when Baby Bug arrives. 

I read so many more blogs than just those 6, but those are the ones that I really have been loving lately!  When I see that they have their blogs updated (most of the at least once a day), I immediately click on them to check it out!  So, I suggest you do the same – or maybe not unless you want to get addicted to blogs (and blogging) as much as I am!

Have a great weekend!
