baby bump: week 18

Countdown to finding out if Baby Bug is a he or a she:  1 week!  I cannot wait to see our little Bug again!  And to start shopping!  Not gonna lie, I am ready to start decorating the nursery and start buying some baby clothes!

Weekly Milestones
I was able to celebrate my first (almost) Mother’s Day this past weekend with both my own mom and my mother-in-law (along with extended family on both sides).  It’s weird to think that I am actually a mother since this is probably the easiest Mother’s Day I’ll ever have!  But, I felt very loved and appreciated from both friends and family, even with just a bun in the oven and not in my arms quite yet.

For Mother’s Day I did get some lovely gifts:  a pedicure from my mom, a basinet charm for my Pandora bracelet from my mother-in-law, and a beautiful silhouette of my soon-to-be very pregnant self made by my sister-in-law.  Matt was a sweetheart and got me another Willow Tree figurine (we have the one of the couple holding each other), the one of the pregnant woman.

I also got this cute little t-shirt from my mother-in-law.
Oh yes, our baby will be a Cardinals fan!  (As is my current baby, Lucy.)  I still need to find St. Louis Rams and Mizzou Tigers apparel for our little one also.  I don’t care if we have a little girl or boy that hates sports, they will still be a Cards/Rams/Tigers fan like their mama.

But, the best Mother’s Day gift I received was actually from Baby Bug:  baby kicks/flutters!  We were sitting on the couch Saturday night watching a movie when I felt these little bubbles pretty low in my tummy.  I waited a second and then felt them again!  I am pretty positive it was not just gas this time!  I was able to feel them again Sunday morning and a few times this week.  Every once in awhile, I’ll also feel like I’m getting poked or punched from the inside in about the same area.  It’s not painful per se, but just very noticeable.  They only last a second and then it’s gone.  It’s different from the round ligament pain I’ve been having (that’s excruciating when I change positions sleeping or getting up from sitting), but I’m not positive I’m actually feeling the baby kick me yet.

My Ethical Dilemma
I found myself with quite the dilemma on my hands this week.  It had nothing to do with the baby or how I felt physically or mentally (although both of those are still a challenge on a daily/weekly basis).  It had to do with my pregnancy in general.

Although I love my job, I am still looking elsewhere for other opportunities in my field.  Right now, I am working at a private school as an hourly paid assistant PE teacher.  It is definitely not my ideal job, but I love the kids (most of the time) and I work with an amazing staff.  So, although I would be happy to stay here, I would still like to end up in a public school someday.

I was lucky enough to score an interview on Monday in a school district I would love to work in.  However, the issue came up about whether or not to tell them that I am pregnant.  I’m still not showing much but I can also cover it up pretty well, so it’s something that wouldn’t be obvious to someone who doesn’t know me.  With my due date being at the beginning of the school year (October), getting a long-term sub for a first year teacher isn’t something many districts like to do.  So, I was sort of stuck – to tell them or not to tell them?

It’s my personality to be honest.  It’s just something I feel morally obligated to do, especially going into a potential new job.  But, I also didn’t want to ruin my chances at getting the job.  So, what did I do?

I told them I was pregnant, and you know what?  He was totally cool with it and was happy I was upfront with him about it.  Did I get the job?  No.  But, mostly because they are looking for someone to coach a certain sport that I don’t coach.  However, the interview experience was great, and I felt that I had a great interview.  Oh well…

And since this is now getting VERY long…

Week 18 Baby Bump
I actually took absolutely NO pictures this weekend.  So, there’s no Mom’s Day baby bump picture.  So, instead you get me in my work clothes…


Wearing my No Meat Athlete shirt, of course!  I’m slowly getting bigger, but still just look like I have a beer belly.  I’ve gained about 8 or 9 pounds now, according to my scale, which I feel is right on track if not a little behind.  But, I feel good and I am loving rubbing my belly all the time, even though it is still pretty small.

A week from today, I’ll be sitting in the doctors office, seeing my beautiful little baby!
