the non-walker

Someone asked me last week if I was worried that MacKenna still isn’t walking at 15 months.  While normally this is something I would be freaking out over, I am surprisingly not worried (yet).  We are coming to the realization that Kenna just takes her dear, sweet time when it comes to her motor development.  She was an early roller – rolling over from belly to back at just 7 weeks old.  After that, things slowed down.  Back to belly rolling didn’t happen until the day before her 6 month birthday.  Scooting and army crawling wasn’t until 8 months, and actual crawling on all fours was right around 10 months.

I don’t know if it’s because she’s petite or that she just takes her dear, sweet time.  With as late as everything else happened, I shouldn’t be too surprised that it’s taking her awhile to learn how to get sturdy on her 2 feet.  But, as my BFF Julie put it, at least I know that she will eventually walk.  All babies walk.  Some learn quickly, while others – like MacKenna – focus on other things and get around to walking when they feel like it will benefit them.  Or at least I feel like that is Kenna’s logic.  It’s not like she’s not progressing either – she can stand and take steps, but as for walking on her own without assistance, we’re not there yet.

But, I have proof that we’re getting closer and closer every single day.  Is it laziness?  Maybe.  But, she definitely has the smarts to get her way around independently…


Smarty pants.

I really had nothing to blog about today, or this week, but I thought this video was too hilarious to not share with you guys (yes, Facebook friends, you have already seen it).  And she is saying “beep”.  She says it with any of her push toys or tricycle and anytime the microwave or oven beeps.  I swear, she is the funniest child!

Hope you all have a great Thursday and a wonderful weekend!  I’ll be back Monday with a fun giveaway for all my racing pals!

When did you or your child learn to walk?  Anyone else with late bloomers like my Kenna girl?