super bowl of ice cream

My parents just bought a brand new flat screen HD TV.  Needless to say, I forced them to have us over for the Super Bowl this year.  The plan was for everyone to make an appetizer or two to bring a long, and we would just chow down, watch Green Bay beat the Steelers, and enjoy some not-as-good-as-hoped commercials.

I decided to bring some crudite + pita chips with Oh She Glows hummus.  (Seriously delicious and easy to make hummus.)  But, of course, I couldn’t go to a Super Bowl party – or any party, for that matter – without bringing some rich + creamy frozen custard.

Unfortunately, I ran out of time on Saturday to prep an ice cream base to chill overnight, so I chose to make an ice cream that I could just mix together in a bowl and pour into the ice cream maker.

But, I couldn’t just make any ol’ ice cream.  Somehow I had to make it Super Bowl or football themed.  When I think of the several Rams’ games I’ve gone to, the only ice cream that comes to mind is Dip-N-Dots.  Yeah… not a fan.  So, I had to come up with something…

I present to you:

A beautiful yellow ice cream to show support for you favorite football (or baseball or hockey) team.  Top with your favorite toppings that match your sports’ teams colors!  Creative, I know…

Adapted from this recipe.  Makes approximately 1 quart.

2 1/2 cups half and half
1/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract
2/3 cup yellow cake batter, dry
Yellow food coloring

Mix half and half together in a large bowl until sugar is dissolved.  Add heavy whipping cream and stir to combine.  Add in the dry cake batter and whisk as best as possible.  There will still be some clumps in it, but that’s OK.

Pour into your ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturer’s directions or until it reaches your desired consistency.  Add some yellow food coloring while the ice cream is still mixing in the ice cream maker until the it reaches your desired team’s color.  Pour into a freezer-safe container and freeze.


WARNING:  This is a VERY cakey tasting ice cream, but don’t let that scare you.  It is still delish!  Although it’s not quite as rich + creamy as my homemade vanilla bean frozen custard, it has a taste that can’t be beat.  And a 10 minute prep doesn’t hurt either!

OK, so not exactly yellow, but add in some food coloring it you would like to really make it your team’s colors.  We added pistachios (for Green Bay) or chocolate chips (for Pittsburgh – well, really Mizzou for me), but you could add any toppings you like – or none, because it honestly is just plain tasty all by itself.



Thoroughly enjoyed by all participants of the family Super Bowl party, and will continue to be enjoyed for a few more nights…

Or just tonight… I hear it calling my name, and the Mizzou vs. KU game is on tonight, so I gotta support my favorite college team!
