How I Built a Successful Business While Working Full Time

I never really thought of myself as entrepreneurial. I was raised in a very traditional, upper-middle class home. I was taught to graduate high school, go to college, and get a job. And that’s exactly what I did (of course, I threw a wedding right after college graduation + before I really had a job too).I always wanted to own my own business, but it just always seemed so far out of reach because I was thinking it would NEED to be brick and mortar. I thought Matt and I would partner together and start our own frozen custard stand. I mean, that’s how we met after all (and how I came up with the name The Concrete Runner).But, instead, I went to college - twice - and ended up with a teaching certificate and a job at a public middle school in rural Missouri.Don’t get me wrong - I am so thankful for the 6 years I spend in public education. I loved my students. I loved my fellow staff members. But, I always felt that there was something MORE out there. That I had more to offer, more of an IMPACT to make. Throw a kid or 2 into the mix, and I was DESPERATE to be out of a fulltime job and doing something from home to support our family.On top of working 40+ hours a week, I also had an hour commute, was the department head for 2 years, a PLC leader, and coach for 5 of my 6 years teaching. I was busy… and I was burnt out. After not being able to put MacKenna on the bus for her first day of Kindergarten, I was motivated to make the change so I could be home full time.A lot of times we wear “busy” as a badge of honor. I work full time. I have 2 kids. I am president of the PTO. We have all sorts of afterschool activities. On and on.But, “busy”... sorry to break it to you, it’s just an excuse.One of my favorite quotes by Rachel Hollis (I mean, she was the first person I heard it from) is either life is happening TO you or FOR you. I don’t know about you, but I want life to happen FOR me.I was sick of missing bus drop offs and pickups. I was sick of missing birthdays. I was sick of never being home. I was sick of the stress and anxiety. I was sick of not feeling in control of my days. I felt like I was wearing a seatbelt all the time - like I was just stuck in this place and couldn’t get out.I knew I needed to make change. And I knew that in order for that change to happen, I need to be in control of my TIME. I needed to be willing to make short-term sacrifices to get to where I wanted to go.I started in online business when I was pregnant with Miles (so a little over 4 years ago) because I SAW the opportunity. I saw the potential. But, when I first started, I wasn’t willing to sacrifice MORE of my time. I was BUSY. I was already waking up early. I was already staying up late writing volleyball practice plans. I was exhausted most days. I had a 45 minute commute while our house was being built.And honestly, I’m kind of thankful that the timing wasn’t right then, because the partnership wasn’t right for me. But, it definitely gave me the vision that what I wanted was actually POSSIBLE.Fast forward a year, and I was ready to make that sacrifice. I quit coaching in order to have more time with my family, but I filled in the gaps working my business. I woke up early to work out. I spent my commute on phone calls or listening to personal development + trainings. I worked for hours after bed. I found ways to fit working my business into my day because I knew that WORKING MY BUSINESS was what was actually going to bring me home.It took WORK. It took SACRIFICE. But, it also got me to where I am today. A fulltime work at home mom, running 2 successful businesses, putting her daughter on the bus everyday, setting her OWN hours, taking her son to the library in the middle of the day, and making the IMPACT she always knew she was born to make.You don’t have to feel stuck. You don’t have to feel like you’re wearing a seatbelt you can’t get out of. You don’t have to live in envy of people like me who are living the life you wish you had.Hope is NOT a strategy. (Another favorite Rachel Hollis quote.)But, if you’re willing to make some short-term sacrifices; if you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone a little; if you’re willing to chase after your dreams…I promise you, YOU will be the one sitting here, writing the same thing.

Don’t know how to get started? Let me share with you how I got here and a little more of the partnership that helped get me here. I am hosting a free LIVE event on Friday, April 26th at 11AM CST and I would LOVE for you to be there! No obligation. No pressure. Just learning to see if this is the right fit for you too!Comment below or shoot me an email at and I would be happy to send you a personal invitation!

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