spring break eats

Spring Break!  Woop woop!  (Name that Friends episode.)  I was definitely ready for a break from my kiddos – not that I don’t love them, because I surely do, but I think we all needed a break.  You get to a point in the semester where everyone is just burnt out and need some time to rest their minds.  Plus, a week and a half off school isn’t bad either!

Spring Break also means I get to be a stay at home mom for the week!  It’s not helping the fact that I would still LOVE to be a stay at home mom, but I am happy to have this time with her.  We are having a fabulous time together, even though she is refusing to nap in her crib and is dealing with a little bit of a cough + cold that she caught from Mommy + Daddy.


And Spring Break means I get to eat at home!  Yay!  It was nice to get back on track after a weekend of indulging in Branson.  (It really wasn’t that bad, but I needed some fruit + veggies in my life again.)

AM Snack + Workout

I made this protein banana bread last week for pre-workout snacks.  Definitely delicious with only 170 calories per slice and 6.7 grams of protein!


I headed to the gym for my first workout of Stage 3 of New Rules of Lifting for Women.  I already like stage 3 a lot more than 2, and I was beyond sore yesterday from the single-leg deadlifts and incline dumbbell presses.  Love being sore!

After my lift, I went on a pre-dawn easy run.  I’m attempting to get over my fear of running in the dark and these short runs are helping.  Although I run much slower than during the day, which I think is because I can’t see my footing.  I feel like I am going to fall into a dark abyss with each step.  Yes, I’m a tad crazy.  But, an easy 3 miles to start my day was perfect!


I was planning on having oatmeal everyday during spring break, but I had yet to go to the grocery store and was out of pretty much everything I like in my oatmeal.  So, instead I had a yogurt bowl.


Vanilla Chobani, dry oats, and fruit + nut medley.  I went back and added an apple to bulk it up a little bit more.

Mid-Morning Snack

Fruit + nut medley to hold me over until lunch.  I was hangry…



Lately, I’ve been loving + craving veggie bowls.  Spring Break means I get to make them every day!  When I go back to school, I am planning on prepping a bunch of quinoa + rice for the week and just throw one of those with some frozen veggies in a tupperware to take for lunch.  So easy + delicious!


Quinoa, frozen veggies, black beans, olive oil, Garlic Gold Nuggets, and nutritional yeast.

And some Wheat Thins with cheddar after because I was still hungry.


PM Snacks + Workout

It was absolutely gorgeous on Monday, so MacKenna and I went out for a 2 mile run in the jogging stroller.  Thankfully, she took a little nap – she was being a cranky pants!

I’m still trying to get in a smoothie everyday since I won’t be having one for breakfast this week.  Post-workout is the perfect time for one!


Frozen pineapple, frozen strawberries, vanilla soymilk, vanilla protein powder, and a handful of spinach.  Yum!

I also had some animal crackers before dinner because I was still hungry!  (Do you see a recurring theme here?!)



Tofu + roasted veggies for dinner – one of my favorites!  Matt got me this really cool tofu press for Christmas, so I’m attempting to cook tofu more often.  It definitely helps get the tofu extra crispy since it gets out most of the moisture.


I roasted the veggies at 375 for 40 minutes and they turned out perfectly!  Zucchini, new potatoes, red pepper, and broccoli tossed with truffle oil + garlic.  With some sticky brown rice.


No non-dessert for me.  I had made some peppermint cocoa we got at Christmas, but it was too sweet even for my sweet tooth.  Blech.

I’m calling the doctor first thing this morning since M’s dealing with this cough + runny nose.  Poor baby just isn’t feeling good, and it doesn’t help that she’s teething also.  And then, it’s off to Roly Poly to pick up lunch and go visit Daddy at school!  Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be a stay at home mom all the time!


What did/would you do during your Spring Break?  Anyone else a homebody like me?
