splurge worthy

This month’s What I Ate Wednesday “theme” is supposed to revolve around veggies.  While it’s no secret that I LOVE me some vegetation, you’re  not going to find a lot of veg in this post.  That’s because I had The Wedding of the Year to attend, and it just so happened to be Valentine’s Day, so I took it as an opportunity to bypass my daily love of vegetables for some delicious V-Day and wedding treats.

Pre-Party Workout

I woke up extra early to get my run in on the treadmill and so I had time to actually straighten my hair.  (Best thing about having long hair = ponytails!) I did a 35 minute tempo run and covered 4.2 miles and felt amazing!

Pre-Party Eats

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Pre-Workout:  cashew cookie Larabar (unpictured)

Breakfast:  typical green smoothie-to-go

AM Snack:  granola with 2% milk

Lunch:  leftover fried rice + an apple (and an unpictured M&M cookie + teeny tiny itty bitty brownie triangle)

PM Snack:  delicious Valentine’s Day cupcake from one of my Kindergarteners, so yummy!  (I also had some Goldfish + Wheat Thins in the car to tide me over until dinner.)

Wedding Extravaganza!

Kolby + Melissa’s wedding was at the Magic House/St. Louis Children’s Museum in Kirkwood.  I honestly don’t think I’ve been here since I was a kid, probably 20 years ago.  It’s changed a ton and I can’t wait to come back this weekend with MacKenna and some of my other Mommy Blogger friends!  I absolutely LOVED it for a wedding ceremony and reception, and Melissa chose beautiful yellow + gray as her wedding colors.  So pretty!



This definitely was not your typical wedding since it was broadcast on local radio.  Several microphones set up, radio people giving signals and directions when to start, a commercial about the sponsors right in the middle of the wedding, and a local DJ officiating the ceremony.  It was definitely unique, but still a beautiful wedding!








With Guy Phillips of the Phillips & Company Morning Show on Y98, who officiated the wedding ceremony.  Bucket list:  meet a celebrity. Ha!


After the ceremony, we had a cocktail hour, where I sipped on some wine and had these delicious gorgonzola + pear puff pasteries.  Every time they came down with more, I down the gal to grab one.  They also had a duck + goat cheese crepe that I snuck a bite of (minus the duck) that was also delicious.



Dinner started with a small salad of apples and sliced almonds with a sweet dressing that I thought was wonderful!  Our main course was a stuffed pork (I gave mine to Matt) with asparagus and potato wedges.  Oh, how I love asparagus!  Can’t wait for it to be back in season!



Dessert was delicious cupcakes from Jilly’s Cupcake Bar (which has been featured TWICE on Cupcake Wars).  Melissa raved about them last week on her blog, so I had been looking forward to them all night long.  I really wanted the pink velvet, but ended up with the carrot cake cupcake, and let me tell you, I’m so glad I did!  For the first time ever, I think I enjoyed the cake just as much as the delicious cream cheese frosting!  The cake was moist + sweet with some nuts inside for the perfect texture complement.  Matt ended up with the pink velvet, which was very good as well, but the carrot cake took the cake!






It was a wonderful a wedding and again, I am so happy for Melissa + Kolby!  I totally indulged (obviously, from the amount of cupcakes I ate!) and am filling up on the veggies today!

Did you do anything special for Valentine’s Day?
