snow days

It's hard to be a working mom and I know most working mom's would agree with me. However, I know that as a teacher, I have it pretty good. I try not to complain too much about my job (really, who doesn't complain about their job?!), but for technically only working 180 days a year, I really get the best of both worlds. And one of the added perks of my job just happens to be snow days!The Weather Gods were looking down on the teachers in St. Louis last week and decided that even though we had Monday off for Presidents' Day, we needed a few more days to ourselves and dumped about 5 inches of snow on us. We not only had Thursday off but Friday as well, giving us an unexpected 4 day weekend.

20130224-175010.jpgThe end product of the snow. Love it!The Hubs (also a teacher) and I tried to use our extra days off to our advantage. Matt caught up on some of the art he's been wanting to do (he's an incredible artist), while I did some baking (and had a major meltdown in the process - I'm really terrible at reading directions).

20130224-174949.jpgRan to the store for some reinforcements. Forgot a few things but we survived!

20130224-175016.jpgThese were supposed to be Fruit Newtons, but I forgot to drain the strawberries before I puréed them. Fail. Still turned out tasty though!And of course, we got to spend a ton of extra time with our little girl. MacKenna was able to finally get out and play in the snow on Friday. Included in the 5 inches of snow was a out a quarter inch of sleet, so Kenna wasn't really able to walk in the snow, but she loved being out in it for the first time!

20130224-175026.jpgPlastic bags over Uggs are how we roll to keep feet from getting wet...It was a great long weekend of relaxation. So much so that I got nothing done. I'm still trying to find a good balance between spending time with my little family, getting things done around the house, and getting work work done. No matter what I choose (always family first!), I feel guilty. I doubt I'll ever figure this out. But, again, I can't complain. I'll take 2 extra days with my little family any day!

20130224-175003.jpgWho wouldn't want to hang with this sweet face all day?!What are the perks of your job? How do you balance family, home, and work?

familysnow day, teachingComment