sickly weekly workouts
After spending Tuesday at home with a sick MacKenna, I started feeling pretty miserable by Thursday around lunch time. By Thursday evening, I decided to quit the rest of the night and was in bed by 8:30 PM.Thankfully, I was feeling a little better by the morning, but had to dope myself up with some DayQuil to survive the day. So much to teach, so little time before the end of the semester. DayQuil seemed to do the trick and I successfully made it through the day - and the weekend. By Sunday, I was feeling almost 100% better, except for a scratchy throat.
However, my workouts were pretty lackluster, thanks to whatever virus/bacteria infested my body. I luckily got the majority of my runs in during the week, but I decided to forgo my long run this weekend in exchange for some more rest. And my body is definitely thanking me for it. I'm sure I wouldn't be feeling much better had I pushed myself to do that run.I think one of the greatest things about not training for anything is the fact that I don't have to worry if I miss a run or workout. It didn't stop me from feeling guilty about not running this weekend though. But, again, not training for anything - nothing lost, nothing gained. So, not my best week for workouts, but hopefully back on track this week.Monday: 2 mile easy run (8:45/mile)3 rounds:Run 1000mKB Swings 42x, 20 lbsPushups 24x
Tuesday: 45 minute easy run (5.53 miles @ 8:09/mile)Wednesday: 15 minute tempo run - out in 8 minutes, back in 7 minutes (1.98 miles @ 7:35/mile)
Thursday: 20 minute easy run (2.43 miles @ 8:14/mile)KB Swings 75x, 20 lbsRun 1 mileKB Swings 75x, 20 lbsFriday: Run 1000mBench Dips 30xSumo-HP 30x, 20 lbsInverted Rows 30xDB Thrusters 30x, 10 lbsSaturday: OFFSunday: OFFTotal: 15.42 milesFIVE MORE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!