showered with love
And… my summer has officially come to an end. By the time this post goes up, I will be in my car on my way back to work/school. I know I shouldn’t complain since I’ve just spent the last 3 months spending time with my hubby, traveling, and preparing for our little girl to arrive, but those 3 months make it really hard to go back. It’s just like they say, the best part about teaching is June, July, and August!I also really can’t complain because I will only be working 7 or 8 more weeks, and then have more time off, thanks to the sweet little bundle of joy in my belly!I can’t even begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to her arrival, as I’m sure you have gathered from my weekly Baby Bump posts and my constant talk about her on Facebook + Twitter. And this weekend just made it even more realistic that she will be here sooner than we think!Matt’s mom + sister Angie threw us a wonderful couples shower this weekend to celebrate our soon-to-be baby! It was great to spend time with family + friends, and I loved that Matt had the opportunity to feel as much a part of this pregnancy as I have! It’s a shame that the daddy’s don’t get recognized as much as the mommy’s do when it comes to pregnancy + childbirth, so I’m glad Matt was able to feel as loved + blessed as I have throughout the past 33 weeks!We had a wonderful spread of food from Qdoba (Matt’s family is always great at catering to my vegetarianism) and homemade mini cupcakes (made by Matt’s mom) that were AMAZING! Lemon, chocolate, and carrot cake – it was hard for me to choose a favorite, but there is just something about the carrot cake that made it hard for me to stop at just one!
And of course, we were “showered” with gifts! Angie asked everyone to bring a book to help us begin to build our baby’s library. I have so many memories from books growing up and actually received a few that brought memories flooding back of my grandparents (Have You Seen My Mother) + 2nd grade (Frog and Toad are Friends)!
Not only is our library filling up, but so is the nursery! We actually have a way for her to get home from the hospital now and she has a ton of clothes to wear! Let me just say, she will be wearing pink until she’s blue in the face! Ha! Seriously, I wish my wardrobe was half as cute as hers!
I still have a lot of work to do on the nursery, but I am more overwhelmed with feelings of love from this weekend than I am with my to-do list! It was only our first shower (out of 4) and I just can’t even begin to explain how blessed I feel! We have truly amazing people in our life and I know we have more love on the way!(Thank you to my wonderful sister-in-law Angie for throwing us such and amazing shower! And for taking a ton of amazing pictures! These are only the few she sent me – she took over 500! I can’t wait for her to take maternity + baby pictures!)