school’s out for summer

I think one of the best things about being a teacher is summer break!  Not that I don’t love my students (at least most of the time); sometimes you just need to get away from them for a little while… and June, July, and August seems like just the right amount of time!

Luckily, I am also married to a teacher, so we get to spend a ton of quality time together.  And what perfect timing, as our baby girl is scheduled to arrive in the fall!  Thank goodness Matt + I LOVE spending time together and will enjoy every second together this summer that we can.

So, what do we have planned for June, July, and August?  A LOT.  Our schedule is jammed pack with vacations, baby preparations, and of course, the continuation of our Frozen Custard “Tour”.  We loved everything we were able to squeeze in last summer, and plan to pack in as much as we can this summer!

A few things on the list:

  • Vacations
    • Branson (of course…)
    • Kansas City, MO
    • Gulf Shores, AL
    • Girls Trip to Chicago!
    • XC Trip to Colorado (I have to miss out on that one this year…)
  • Lots of frozen custard, ice cream, and fro-yo (check out the frozen custard tab for a list of places from last summer and ones we hope to get to this summer)
  • St. Louis Touristy Stuff
  • Prepare for BABY!
  • Get things done around the house

So, you can see we have a lot to fit into those 3 months, and with several trips scheduled, we need to dive into that to-do list head first!  Especially since the “nursery” currently looks like this…




Oh man, I have my work cut out for me.  I promise to keep you up-to-date on our nursery project (since that is my BIG project that HAS to be done this summer) and of course you will hear all about our trips, but especially anything that has to do with my favorite frozen dessert!

And with that, I ask… Are there any frozen custard/ice cream/fro-yo places you can suggest for us?  I would really like to feature some new places (as much as I love Fritz’s, I’m sure ya’ll would like to see something else) and I need YOUR help to do that!  Especially on those trips we have planned, or anything else we should not miss in Branson, KC, Gulf Shores, or Chicago?
