school, gymnastics, + black toenails

I have lots of things on my mind today and just felt like writing them all down in one big brain dump.  So, a mix of life and thoughts for you guys today:#1:  As of Monday, I've added a new hat to my hat rack:  Graduate Student.  Yup, that's right.  I took the plunge and started grad school.  Finally.  I graduated from undergrad in 2007 and went back for a year in 2009 to get my teaching certificate, so it's been awhile since I've actually had to take classes.  And let me tell you, these classes are no joke.My entire degree will be done online (I'm getting a Master's in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Pedagogy), which will also be a new experience since I've never taken an online class either.  One of my classes is already into full swing with weekly discussions and a 10-page research paper due in mid-February.  I'm so very thankful I decided to wait until the spring to start because there is no way I would have been able to keep up with all this work in the fall.  My other class doesn't seem too bad - a few papers and modules I'll have to complete, but I think it will be the easier of the 2 classes.  Only 27 hours left after this semester.  Ugh.  Thank goodness I can get a big bump in pay after I have 15 credit hours!#2:  We officially signed MacKenna up for gymnastics classes this spring until June.  I can't even tell you how much fun this is going to be!  Monday was our first class and we are already working on back handsprings.  WHAT?!  Crazy, right?!  I mean, we are gradually progessing to that point - with parental spotting of course - but that's the first big skill we are working on.  We practiced doing wheelbarrows while holding her hips and then getting her into a handstand position.  She didn't quite understand how to kick her feet up by herself, but she had so much fun!  They gave her choo choo train stamps on her feet and all she keeps saying is, "Choo choo on my feet!"  So adorable!ThanksgivingGymnastics.jpg#3:  No snow days this week, but I think I'm going to need some to get through these next 6 weeks.  Some of my classes are going to be extremely challenging.  Thankfully, one of my classes is on behavior modifications, so hopefully I can put some of what I learn into practice.  I'm definitely going to need it.  I just need to keep reminding myself that I will only have them 6 weeks and then I'll get another group of kids.  And nothing can possibly be as hard as my first year of teaching.  I will survive and I will make the best of it.#4:  I am dealing not only with an icky sinus infection, but I'm also dealing with a black toenail.  I started feeling crappy on Saturday and it became a full blown sinus infection by Sunday morning.  The only time I feel good is actually when I am running.  I think because I'm not thinking about how bad my face hurts but instead how much my toe hurts.  I haven't had a black toenail since I ran the Chicago Marathon in 2010.  I forgot how bad they hurt!  I ordered new shoes (the limited edition LA Marathon Asics Gel-Lytes) but they don't come in until February.  I think I might just have to rotate some of my older shoes or wear my not-as-used Asics Gel-Cumulus since they have a wider toe box than the Gel-Lytes.  Any other remedies for black toenails?  Unfortunately, mine take like 6 months before they actually fall off.  Yuck.  They're so not fun.  #runnerproblemsphoto1.jpg