run for boston

After a day of silence yesterday, I am still trying to find the words to talk about what happened Monday at the Boston Marathon.

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It’s always been my dream to run the Boston Marathon, as I know it is for most runners.  It’s a dream for most runners to cross that finish line of any marathon, but Boston...  Boston is special.  Boston is that one finish line that you’ve worked so hard for, strived for, qualified for.  You look forward to that finish line to see those family and friends who were there to support you and cheer you on.  Who put up with you when all you did was talk about your long runs, were out training for hours, and still loved you anyway.

And now, that finish line has become tragic event that seems to be happening more and more in our world lately.  All I can do is think about those runners and their families.  I’ve cried tears for them.  I’ve run miles for them.  I’ve silently supported them through wearing my blue and yellow race shirt yesterday.


This impacted me so much more than I ever imagined.  My heart aches for Boston.  I guess because I am a runner.  I am a wife and mother, but after those two things, I am a runner more than anything else.  It’s part of who I am.  I know what it takes to run a marathon.  I know what it’s like to be at the finish line of the marathon as a runner and as a spectator.  What was once an amazing feat, a joyful event, has now become a place of sadness and pain. 

All I can do is pray.  Pray for those runners.   Pray for their families.  Pray that God will help heal those victims and help us find the answers and closure that we need to get from this tragic event.  I know I will be running for Boston every time I lace up my running shoes for days, weeks, months, and years to come, as I know the rest of this amazing running community I am so thankful to be a part of will be doing as well.