product review: designer whey protein

I’m a creature of habit.  I’m a person who loves routines, schedules, and regularity.  While I can typically handle change, I am more comfortable when things are the same.

This is even true with my meals.  I drink a smoothie every single day for breakfast.  Literally.  Seven days a week, I wake up to a delicious, healthy protein-packed smoothie.  Not only do they taste delicious, they keep me full for hours and don’t hurt my tummy as (I have found out through experience) oatmeal does.  Plus, I can make it the night before, blend it in the morning, and drink it in my car on the way to work.  Have I also mentioned I’m a big fan of convenience?

Lately, my smoothies have been extra delicious, thanks to Designer Whey.  As part of FitFluential, I was chosen to receive some samples of Designer Whey protein.  I was expecting maybe a few little packets of protein powder to try out.  Instead, this is the haul I received…

Designer Whey-swag

Designer Whey-swag close

SCORE!  I was able to try their protein powder, protein bars, Protein-To-Go, and 2 pre-made protein shakes.  Some serious swag if you ask me!

Of course, the first thing I absolutely had to try was their protein powder.  I received both French Vanilla and White Chocolate.  I was excited to try the White Chocolate because I’ve been drinking vanilla for over a year now and really needed a change.  It was slightly chocolatey, a tad bit sweet, and definitely delicious!  A great change to my everyday vanilla.

Designer Whey-smoothie

Not only did it taste great, but it blended great too!  I use a Ninja blender for my smoothies, but if you are more of a person who drinks protein powder straight up mixed in water, Designer Whey blends so easily.  When preparing my smoothies, it blends great into the water – no chunks and that’s even before blending!  So smooth and didn’t taste chalky at all like most protein powders.

I’ve also been looking for quick and easy snacks that I can eat in the car and that will keep in my desk at work.  (Thank goodness we got rid of our ant problem – it’s really no fun having an office in a locker room, I tell ya!)  The Designer Whey protein bars are so simple to grab and go and taste absolutely delicious!  I absolutely LOVED the triple chocolate bar!  Not only did I get a great dose of protein (10 grams), but I also was able to satisfy my chocolate cravings.  Yummy!


And since I struggle with staying hydrated, having some to-go packs of flavored protein seemed like the perfect fix.  I was a little nervous to try it because when you think of protein, you don’t usually stray from vanilla or chocolate.  Orange, lemonade, and mixed berry just didn’t sound appealing.  I tried the orange flavor first, and while it still had a little bit of a protein, chalky aftertaste, I really like it and it went down easily.  However, the mixed berry flavor totally took the cake!  It didn’t taste like protein at all and was so refreshing after a hot run.  I will definitely be using this frequently!

I unfortunately didn’t get a chance to try the pre-made protein shakes but they are going to be awesome to grab out of the fridge when I’m in a pinch for time.

Overall, I was really impressed with Designer Whey and can’t wait to try some of their protein-packed recipes that they share frequently on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.  If you’re interested in trying some Designer Whey products for yourself, they offer a Starter Kit for $20.13 – a $40 value.  Pretty sweet deal if you ask me!

Are you a creature of habit?  Do you tend to eat the same things day after day?

**Full Disclosure:  I was chosen to participate in the review of Designer Whey through a FitFluential campaign.  I received the products in exchange for my review.  I was not compensated for this review.  All opinions are my own.**