picture perfect morning

I hope everyone who had a 3 day weekend had a great one.  It was nice to have 3 days off after a long week at work – you know, because I really deserved one after 2 full weeks of work.  (Please note the complete sarcasm in that statement.  But, really, it was nice to have an extra day off.  Although I am still counting down the days until maternity leave…)

So, what do you do when you have an extra morning to sleep in?  Get up early to run, of course!  At least that’s what all the crazy running kids do.  I wish I could tell you that it was the picture perfect run.  Temperatures in the upper 50s, sunny with a slight breezy – an absolutely picture perfect morning to run.


I had to lean forward a bit to get my shoes in the picture…

Unfortunately, Baby M wasn’t having any of it today.  I walked to the top of our neighborhood, starting running, got to about the 1 mile mark and had to stop because my bladder was on fire.  Not because it needed to be emptied, but because she loves putting tons of pressure on it.  I walked for a few minutes and started running again, only to have round ligament pain on my right side.  Like I said, not a picture perfect run.

So instead, I enjoyed the beautiful weather by walking a little farther than usual.  A little less than 3 miles in 40 minutes – not too bad.


How do you make a picture perfect morning even better?  Make French toast with Pumpkin Ale Bread, of course!  All I did was slice up 3 pieces, dipped them in an egg + soymilk mixture, and cooked them on the griddle.


Topped with some butter and powder sugar.  It doesn’t get too much more perfect than that!


Even with a failed attempt at a run, it still turned out to be a picture perfect morning!

How did you spend your Labor Day weekend?  Did you get a chance to sleep in, or were you crazy like me and get up early to get a run in?