cooler weather = pumpkin

After another week of 100 degree weather in St. Louis, I was more than ready for the 70 degree temps come Sunday.  And cooler weather that looks like it’s here to stay, at least for a little while…

fall weather 

With it finally starting to feel like fall, I’m starting to get excited about all the things cooler weather brings:


Pumpkin Oatmeal

Pumpkin Lattes

Pumpkin Custard

And my absolute favorite…


Pumpkin Beer!

Last fall, Matt and I attempted to try every pumpkin beer we could get our hands on.  Schlafly, O’Fallon, Trailhead, Woodchuck… we searched and found as many as we could.  And as much as I would love to hang out with my family with a pumpkin beer in hand on this beautiful fall Labor Day, I obviously will not be partaking for a little bit longer.  So, what’s a pregnant girl to do so she can continue enjoying her favorite alcoholic beverage of all time?

Why, bake with it, of course!  I’ve been seriously craving cold, creamy things (a Mini Concrete Runner is on her way…) and bread lately.  Lots and lots of bread.  Luckily, I’ve had this Schlafly Pumpkin Ale Bread recipe on my hands for the past year that could help me satisfy me craving for bread while enjoying a lovely pumpkin beer!

I made this recipe several times last fall + winter, veganizing it each time.  And each time, I would end up with a black top and doughy interior.  And, even though I love me some dough, it doesn’t make for Good Eats.  So, this time, I followed the recipe exactly and came out with 2 beautiful loaves of bread!


I’m pretty sure the neighbors were tempted to knock on our door and ask for a slice from the smell that was wafting out of our open windows.  Seriously, how can you get any more perfect than this!


The perfect combination of spices so the pumpkin flavor comes out nicely, with a little bite from the beer to give it a delicious yeasty taste (in a good way).  Plus, a nice crunchy crust with a moist interior.  Best. Pumpkin. Bread. Ever.

Just please don’t come knocking on my door – I will be keeping this all to myself!