one week until christmas

With one week until Christmas, I am…

…home with a sick baby today.  (Happy 14 month birthday to her…) She’s been running a fever since Friday, topping at 103.3 on Sunday evening.  Matt stayed home with her yesterday, so it’s my turn today.  Her fever was a bit lower yesterday, but we’re playing it safe for the babysitter since we don’t want all the kids to get sick.  Thankfully, I don’t mind the time at home.

photo (18)

…trying to get last minute plans and tests written for the end of the semester.  I’m ready for the semester to be over.  I’m mentally exhausted and ready for a break.  Of course, I’ll have to spend some time planning over the break, but at least it’s things I can do at home.  Meanwhile, I’m counting down the days until Friday at 2:35…

…buying gifts at the last minute.  I am so, so bad about this!  Every year, I say I’m not going to wait until the last minute, and then what do ya know?  I realized this past weekend that Christmas is in a week!  AH!  Why yes, I AM thankful for online shopping!  Let’s just hope things get shipped quickly.  (Not sure Matt’s gift from Hong Kong will get here in time though…)

…finishing up our Christmas cards to send out this week. I did something different this year and made them myself instead of going through a printing company.  OK, that’s a lie.  I went through Vista Print, like I ALWAYS do, because I had a Groupon that was about to expire.   I used a crappy picture of Kenna and called it a day.  I got them and HATED them.  Especially since we didn’t do MacKenna’s 1 year pictures until after I had already ordered our cards.  So, I scrapped my crappy cards and made my own with her gorgeous pictures.  I had them printed at Office Max for less than it would cost me to go through Vista Print and they’re just as gorgeous.  Don’t you agree?!

christmas card 2012

Are you counting down the days until break?  Have you sent out your Christmas cards yet or finished shopping?