october 9, 2011

If you are a runner, you might understand the importance of that date.  If not, let me briefly explain.

October 9, 2011 is the date of this year’s Chicago MarathonAfter running the race last year and absolutely loving it (despite the heat and 20 minutes slower than I expected to run, but a PR regardless), I was itching to run it again.  When registration opened on February 1st, I went back + forth in my head about whether I wanted to register or not.  Last year, I registered the day before registration closed.  I was thisclose to missing one of my favorite races ever.  So, I knew I didn’t want to wait too long before deciding if I wanted to run it again.

But, God had different plans for me.  Plans involving that same date (October 9, 2011), but would pretty much make it impossible for me to run the race.  But, plans that I would never ever change in a million years.

On (or around) October 9, 2011, Matt and I are expecting our first baby!

blogultrasoundYes, that is an ultrasound of OUR BABY!

We are beyond excited about our little one and I have been dying to tell anyone and everyone about our big news, but we wanted to wait until we knew everything was OK with our little bug.  I am 13 weeks along, which means I have officially started my second trimester!  (I know, I wait a LONG time to tell.)

I will give more details and information later on this week.  But, I just wanted to get the news out in the open because, believe me, it has been hard keeping it a secret for 2 months!

Now I just have to wait for the next 6 months to fly by so I can meet this little bug of mine…
