I am SO excited to get to introduce you to one of my absolutely FAVORITE running buddies! I’ve had the opportunity to meet Steffany in person twice now and get to run with her a little bit back at Rock ‘n’ Roll St. Louis last year! She is seriously one of the nicest people ever, going as far as to send me a running safety flashlight + alarm to make sure I am staying safe on my runs! Seriously, the SWEETEST!Today, I am featuring Steffany as my Badass Running Buddy of the month on the blog! Steffany is sharing some great advice for beginners, as well as remembering to take the time to really ENJOY running for what it is! I just know you will love her as much as I do!

Want to become online running buddies with me + other runners across the globe, and have the chance to be featured on The Concrete Runner?! Join the Badass Running Buddies Community and apply to be featured on the blog! Runners of all ages, genders, and ability levels are welcome to be a part of our GROWING online community!