I am SO very excited to have the opportunity to introduce you to another one of my AMAZING runners! I have been working with Kelly since March and I am absolutely in awe of her journey. As you’ll read below, Kelly started running as a way to lose weight. Not only has she lost over 100 pounds in the last 9 months, she’s also found a new passion that will keep her healthy for the rest of her life! I LOVE getting her messages about each one of her runs because it motivates ME to get out the door and push my body. If Kelly doesn’t inspire you to want to get out the door and RUN, to want to start living a healthier lifestyle (regardless if you are a runner now or in the future), I don’t know what will!

YOU can be just like Kelly! Kelly only started 9 months ago. She’s losing weight, achieving goals, and getting FASTER with each and every run! I BELIEVE in YOU - you just have to put the work in and the results will come!Ready to take action?! This is the LAST WEEK to register for the Elite Running Academy! In just 6-weeks, you can be running FASTER than EVER! Don’t miss out on achieving your goals this year!