munchkin meals: then + now
It's amazing how soon we forget things from the first child to the second child. There are certain aspects of MacKenna's infancy that I remember vividly. However, other parts I just don't seem to have a clue what we did with her. The one thing that is especially bothering me that I can't seem to remember anything that we fed MacKenna when she was right around Miles age. Maybe it's because she literally ate NOTHING, or that I totally have the worst Mommy brain on the planet. Either way, I definitely have no idea what she ate right before she turned 1 year old.So, what does an almost 1 year old eat, you ask? Well, Miles' typical day look a little something like this...BreakfastWe always try to give Miles some fruit and yogurt for breakfast. I haven't let him try a spoon on his own yet, so we still spoon feed him his yogurt. Most of the time he eats banana and Cheerios while we feed him yogurt.
Thinking back, I'm pretty sure my little Kenna girl was eating waffles around this time. It was one of the few things we could actually get her to eat. I know Miles occasionally eats pancakes at the babysitter's, so maybe I can start incorporating those in too.Lunch/DinnerI am combining the two of these because they really aren't too different from each other. I try to follow the MyPlate guidelines when making his meals, filling half his plate with fruits and vegetables, and then including some grains, protein, and dairy as well. A typical meal includes some combination of blueberries, banana, peas, avocado, beans, cheese, lunch meat (turkey or chicken), applesauce, Cheerios, and bread.
I am trying to get over my overprotectiveness with regard to choking and let him eat larger pieces of food, like crackers, but after having to give him back blows once, I'm terrified to have to do it again. Plus, the boy SHOVELS food into his mouth. So, I will continue cutting up his food into tiny pieces. I mean, I won't still be cutting his food when he's married...MacKenna's munchkin meals at lunch and dinner around 1 year were touch and go. I think that is mostly why I don't remember a dang thing because she simply didn't eat (still doesn't). But, after reading her 14 month update, I know she was beginning to eat a lot more of the same foods as us. Thankfully, I don't think we will have an issue doing that with Miles since the child has yet to find a food he doesn't like...
Anyone else get Mommy brain when thinking about things their first child did?