munchkin meals: bad habits

It's been a long time since I've done a Munchkin Meals post.  I wish I could say that after turning 3, MacKenna miraculously became this great eater, but in reality, not much has really changed.  She is eating well, as in, she is actually eating meals and not completely refusing to eat.  However, her meals have not been so well rounded.Breakfasts are usually cereal with milk, sometimes part of a smoothie, and on Saturday morning, we have been going to the local donut shop for donuts.So, not the greatest breakfast for my daughter to have, but we are really enjoying our new family tradition at our new house and I figure half a donut once a week really isn't going to hurt her too much.  Plus, Mama has really been enjoying the donuts after her Saturday "long" runs.IMG_7171

She asks for a sprinkle donut every Saturday.

Lunches and dinners are much of the same.  Macaroni and cheese, quesadillas, PB&J, hot dogs, salami... You know, typically toddler foods.  Lately, she'll eat some banana or apple with her meals, but veggies are a no-go unless it is broccoli with quinoa and cheese (one of my favorite meals).IMG_7152

Helping Mama cook dinner in our new, much bigger kitchen.

We have limited her snacking a little bit more lately, which I think has really helped her eat better/more at meal time.  But, we are giving her the incentive of dessert or a treat IF she eats well at dinner.  Sometimes it's yogurt with sprinkles and mini marshmallows, but many nights it's a cookie or candy.IMG_7211

Relaxing on the couch, digging in to the Halloween candy with Mama + Daddy.

Am I happy that she is eating mostly "junk" food?  Of course not.  But, I am happy that she is at least eating better than she used to.  However, I do feel like we might be teaching her some bad habits.  Donuts on the weekends?  Sweets at night?  I know these are definitely not ideal, but like I said, most of the time she gets these things as a reward or only occasionally.  But, then again, I think about the fact that she is still in 18-24 month clothes and am thankful that she is at least eating something.  And the fact that she is only 3 and I can't really expect too much out of a kid her age.  I know that I was pretty picky as a kid, so I'm hoping that my good habits will rub off on her eventually.