Creating a Foolproof Morning Routine

 About a week ago, I randomly hurt my back. I still have NO IDEA how I did it (I think *maybe* it was from hammering a new screen up on our back patio door) but it has definitely not been fun. Luckily, I’ve been able to continue running with it - I’ve just had to slow down a bit and avoid the gym. Thank goodness for my chiropractor too… 15 minutes of stretching and adjusting and I was 90% better.However, being semi-injured made me realize just how important my morning routine is to me. When something throws your day off, it’s hard not to let the rest of the day go all downhill from there.Do you ever feel like you're running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (wow, what a graphic analogy...) in the morning with all the things you need to get done before getting the kids to school and getting yourself ready for work?Mama, you NEED a morning routine.There's a reason your kid's teacher had it all together with a classroom full of 20 kids. Because they have STRUCTURE, ROUTINE.Maybe you're thinking, "But, I HATE schedules. I am a free spirit..."Honey, ain't nobody judging you for scheduling out your day. And guess what? With an AM routine in place, not only will you start your day on the right track, but you'll be more productive too.Here are my tips for establishing your own AM routine...>> Pick a time to wake up EVERYDAY and stick with it. I highly suggest an hour earlier than when you are waking up now to give yourself plenty of time to establish that routine. It doesn't have to be 5AM - just a time that works for YOU.>> Use your extra hour to do something for YOU. Read, workout, meditate, clean, shower in silence... whatever YOU need to do to get your day started off on the right track. For me, I spend my first 2 hours of the morning working out + showering ALONE. And it 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 glorious 👏🏻>> Make it a habit. Don't hit snooze. Stop making excuses. Try it for 30 days and see what happens. It might just become your favorite part of the day (it's mine)!I'd love to know ⤵️ how do you get your day started off on the right track?!

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