melty goodness

Just a quick post to thank my mother-in-law for bringing by some Fritz's on her way home tonight. She brought us 2 original Turtles in sundae form (vanilla custard + caramel + hot fudge + pecans + extra cherries). Turtles definitely are NOT my favorite (noted the pecans), but the couple bites of this I had before sticking it back in the freezer was pretty good! (Of course, if you are a loyal Fritz's customer, you know they have pretty awesome pecans... and they are very hush-hush on where they get them. But, I think you can buy them at the stores now!)

It was a tad bit melty (notice that ALL the toppings have sunk to the bottom except the cherries), which is why it is an absolute MUST you eat your frozen custard AT THE STAND! With lower fat content (most are about 95% fat-free), frozen custard tends to melt very quickly, making it almost impossible to enjoy it in the comfort of your own home (unless you buy a completely frozen quart or pint to take home). So, take the time to eat your custard while you are there. You won't regret it.

Mom #2, along with sis-in-law and niece, also bought me this AH-mazing shirt! Can't wait to wear it! Thank you so much! You guys made my day! :o)

Long run planned with my new running buddy, Lauren tomorrow! It's a step-back week, so we are only doing 9 miles. Last long run in single digits until the week before the marathon! AH!
